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July 5th, 2020

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July 5th, 2020

Sahir moved stealthily, placing his clothes on. His outfit consisted of a black Hanes shirt, a pair of jean shorts, white Nike socks, all black Nike air max plus, and a thin gold chain. Placing on his black dad hat with a random baseball logo on it, Sahir turned to look at a sleeping Samia.

She was currently curled up into a pillow, holding onto it tightly, as if it were him. Her mouth was slightly opened, allowing drool to make a small puddle on the pillow underneath her head. Her straight hair laid across the pillow wildly, going in every direction.

In other words, she looked like a true goddess to Sahir.

After a long night of delivering NyQuil-D, Sahir knew that she wasn't going to be up for a while.

"Why are you staring at me?" Samia asked with her eyes still closed.

Cutting his eyes at her, Sahir began to kiss his teeth.

"I put you to sleep, you're suppose to still be sleep." He said walking towards her side of the bed.

"That's funny because if I remember correctly, you were the one to tap out after the tenth round. After I got off you, I had to clean you up because you had fell asleep." Samia said watching him sit in front of her.

Kissing his teeth again, Sahir replied, "Lower your voice, ok. That was a one time thing, I was tired from being out all day and I wanted to go to sleep, but your sex crazed ass wouldn't let me. You hopped on top without my consent. I think that I should talk to those officers that are probably waiting out front."

Sitting up, quickly, Samia punched Sahir in his right shoulder.

"If I remember correctly, you asked me to ride because you really needed my help to help you get it up, old man." Samia said with a smirk.

Sahir's eyes remained open wide, in disbelief of his wife's words.

"I never had a problem getting it up, in fact it's up now, so what are you trying to do?" Sahir asked looking at Samia with lust filled eyes.

When she sat up, her covered naked body was now on display for his eyes only.

Smirking to herself, Samia slid out of the bed, moving to stand in between Sahir's legs. As she stood in front of him, they both kept their eyes locked on one another as she brought both of her arms around his neck, moving him closer to her.

Samia leaned down to place a kiss on Sahir's lips, only to end up kissing his cheek.

Pulling back, she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I think you need to be messing with some toothpaste, before you kiss me." Sahir said pursing his lips up, and looking the other way.

Nodding her head, Samia removed her arms from around him, backing her naked body away from him. As she backed away, Sahir eyed her curvaceous body, feeling himself harden as time went by.

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