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June 5th, 2020

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June 5th, 2020

Muerte sat on a circular stool, seated in front of a bar. He was currently at Benny's Liquor, his favorite bar in New Orleans. There was nothing better than committing a few felonies and then having a drink to celebrate your accomplishments, yet he wasn't at the bar celebrating. If anything, he was at the bar trying to find ways to numb the pain he was currently feeling.

The left side of his face was throbbing, still feeling the wrath of the baby stroller. His tan chest was now marked with red marks that would eventually change for the worst, before they got better. His gums ached from loosing one of his front teeth. His whole body was feeling like it was repeatedly ran over, and he just wanted something to ease the pain.

"Here ya' go." A bartender said before sliding a cup filled with Hennessy towards Muerte.

Nodding his head at the bartender, Muerte quickly grabbed the drink and threw it back. The bitter liquid traveled down his throat with a fight, but by Muerte's facial expressions, anyone would have thought it went down smoothly.

Placing his cup down harshly, Muerte slid it towards the bartender so that he could make another one.

While Muerte was more worried about drinking his pain away, he didn't pay attention to the brown eyes that watched him from afar.

"Well look who it is!" A loud voice shouted as they entered the bar.

The man stood in the doorway, looking at the side of Muerte's body. The man was a 5'9, hispanic man with a slim figure. He was known around New Orleans as "Kid". The name came from his childish tendencies, his lack of maturity, and his kid-like features.

Walking towards Muerte, Kid roughly grabbed Muerte's shoulders.

"People tell a lot of stories about you and I usually don't believe them, but I had ta' ask about this new one." Kid said loudly, not caring who heard.

By now, the people who stood around the pool tables and sat at the tables drinking were now looking at the scene unfold before them.

"What story did you hear?" Muerte said lowly, waiting for Kid to say something that would piss him off.

The two cups of Hennessy had made him feel numb to the pain he was feeling, but it didn't make the anger he was feeling go away, in fact, it increased it.

"I heard," Kid paused as loud, obnoxious laughter left out of his mouth. "that you got beat up by a man with a baby. A cute, little, wittle baby."

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