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July 5th, 2020

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July 5th, 2020

Once the elevator made it onto ground level, Madame Sinclair could see the helicopter that would take her away, looking for a spot to land.

Once the elevator stopped, she stepped out and placed the suitcase on the ground. Fixing her hair with her hands, she went to walk, only to feel a tap on her shoulder.

Turning around, she was met to a fist to her left eye by Samia.

"You should invest in a fast elevator." Samia said punching her again. "My arms were hurting from holding the bottom of that one for so long."

Samia went to hit Madame Sinclair again, only to feel her hair being yanked hard, making her fall back.

"Bitch." Madame Sinclair mumbled, already feeling the pain from Samia's powerful hits.

Shaking off the pain, she picked up the suitcase and began to run through the muddy water, just to get towards the helicopter, that just landed.

A shot rang out, as Samia shot the woman on top of her.

"These bitches look like men, and fight like them to. I didn't mean to bring a gun to a fist fight, but that bitch had too much energy." Samia said pulling herself up from underneath the woman, and chasing after Madame Sinclair.

She caught up quickly, due to Madame Sinclair not being able to move fast in heels. Tackling her from behind, the both of them went flying into the water, creating a big splash.

Quickly getting back up, Samia reached for Madame Sinclair's arm, twisting it behind her roughly.

What she wasn't expecting was Madame Sinclair to kick back at her, causing her to loose Samia to loose her grip on her.

Turning around, Madame Sinclair began to square up.

"Let's see how good you can throw hands without sneaking me." Madame Sinclair said with a smirk.

Rolling her eyes, Samia quickly began to scan Madame Sinclair's posture, assessing where she lacked.

Without letting another second go by, Samia sent a roundhouse kick Madame Sinclair's way, only for her leg to be caught in Madame Sinclair's hand.

"I thought a spy had more-" Madame Sinclair started to say, but was stopped by Samia's other foot, that kicked her hard, in her mouth.

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