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June 2nd, 2020

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June 2nd, 2020

"So now he's goin' ta' start going after Sahir West. That's great. That's just fuckin' dandy." Captain Maurice Landry let out with a dry chuckle.

"Now Muerte's gonna be out fa' blood." Captain Landry finished.

Lieutenant Blue started at the five eleven, freckled white man, who was known as the captain of the New Orleans police department.

"He's a vindictive little shit, captain." Lieutenant Blue followed up right after Captain Landry spoke.

Captain Landry shrugged his shoulders.

"Well y'all are goin' ta' have ta' find Muerte first."

Both Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson locked eyes, before nodding their heads.

"Well that's not all." Lieutenant Blue started. "There's somethin' strange about that guy West. We all seen what he did to Muerte and Ronaldo. Mind you, he had to of done it all one handed because he had a baby in his hands. That takes some kind of skills...special trainin'."

Lieutenant Blur began to walk over to one of the seats in front of Captain Landry's desk, before sitting in one of them.

"Now what I'm wonderin' is..." Lieutenant Blue paused, before speaking again. "Who is this guy West and who is he working for? The FBI?"

Captain Landry quickly interrupted Lieutenant Blue's speech.

"I don't think that the FBI has anythin' ta' do with this, but you know how much they tell us."

Lieutenant Blue continued his speech.

"There's a guy I knew while in the service, he works at the bureau in Washington. He owes me a favor and I figure that I might as well cash it out now."

Captain Landry nodded his head.

"That's a great idea. Get to it."

Both Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson fled from the Captain's office, eager to find anything on both Muerte and Sahir West.

Lieutenant Blue made it to his desk and signed onto his computer, to quickly find the bureau in Washington's phone number. Once he found it, Lieutenant Blue put the numbers into the work phone sitting on his desks and brought the phone up to his ears.

Knowing that it would be a while for him to connect to a actual person, Lieutenant Blue took out his personal cell phone. On his screensaver was a picture of himself and his four year old daughter, smiling at his wife who held the camera. Unlocking his phone, he went to his favorite game app: Wordscapes.

Though the app seemed boring to others, Lieutenant Blue loved the app. The app was just like him: knowledgeable, but strenuous and satisfying. Currently, Lieutenant Blue was stuck on level one thousand, two hundred and twelve.

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