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June 25th, 2020

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June 25th, 2020

Samia and Sahir both carried a baby strapped to their chest, as they approached the caution tape covered house. The sky was dark with no stars in sight. Just a crescent moon to give off light.

"Entering the house of a dead man is not my idea of fun." Samia said as she stood behind Sahir.

Looking behind himself, Sahir rolled his eyes at Samia.

"You use to enjoy this all the time, stop acting different in front of the twins." He said before turning back towards the door.

With a flashlight and a handmade lock pick, Sahir found a way to open the locked door. Placing the pick into his back pocket, Sahir placed his hand on the door knob. Looking behind himself to make sure that Samia was fine, he twisted the door knob and stepped to enter the house — only to see Detective Henderson standing directly behind the door with a smile.

"Funny seein' you guys here." He said with a smug facial expression.

Sahir let out a dry chuckle.

"I thought that officers like yourself, that work mostly in the office, wouldn't be at a crime scene at this time of night." Sahir said to him, before looking around him, knowing his partner in crime was somewhere close by.

"We knew that spies like you would be out at this time of night." A voice said from behind them, taking confident steps.

Samia turned around right when Lieutenant Blue stopped, sending a ridiculously sweet smile his way.

"Lieutenant Blue, I would've expected you to be home with that wife and lovely daughter of yours." Samia said while looking into Lieutenant Blue's eyes, enjoying the amused look leaving his face.

"He might be in the dog house, baby." Sahir said sending his famous smirk Lieutenant Blue's way.

"We're actually here because we would like ta' know the whole story of why you guys are here and why a dead body was at the cemetery." Lieutenant Blue said walking around Sahir's frame to stand face to face with him.

Sahir's eyes widened, before he let out a low whistle.

"I'm not the smartest guy, Raymond, but I'm pretty sure that dead bodies belong in cemeteries." Sahir said shaking his head at Lieutenant Blue's foolish comment.

"You know what I mean, jackass." Lieutenant Blue said stalking forward.

Covering a sleeping Seiji's ears, Sahir looked at Lieutenant Blue and said, "I don't care how you talk around your kid, but please don't curse around mine."

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