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June 19th, 2020

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June 19th, 2020

Laying down flat on the bed, Sahir looked at Samia and said, "Sit on my face, mamas."

The couple had finished dinner over twenty minutes ago, and we're now in their assigned bedroom. The only reason why they didn't make it to the bedroom twenty minutes ago was do to Samia deciding to find Milan and y'all about their dinner. Tyson and Sahir both allowed them to talk, but then pulled them away when they felt that they were talking for too long.

Samia's mouth spread into a wide grin. Removing her dress, she allowed Sahir to see her completely naked figure that lied underneath her dress.

"My baby is really a beauty." Sahir mumbled loud enough for Samia to hear, causing a small smile to grace her face.

Moving so that she was standing on top of the bed, she positioned herself to sit on Sahir's face, while facing towards his feet. Squatting down, she let out a squeal when Sahir locked his arms over both of her thighs.

Samia's mouth opened wide when she felt Sahir lay a long lick onto her pussy. No matter how many times he did this, Samia always forgot how wonderful Sahir could make her body feel, despite not doing much.

"You like that?" Sahir hummed with his tongue laid flatly against Samia's clit.

Letting out a soft moan, Samia nodded her head. Reaching her right arm out, she grabbed his erect penis. Sahir's eight and a half inch penis stood tall, ready to perform. Moving her top half down, closer to Sahir's body, she stopped when her mouth hovered over it.

Moving her head to the side, she licked it from the base to the tip. Samia smirked to herself, feeling a shiver run through Sahir's body. Leaning her head up, she opened her mouth, allowing the spit she gathered to drop onto Sahir's penis. Once it began to slide down his penis, Samia used her right hand to smear it all over, before placing his penis in her mouth.

"Oh my god." She moaned against it, humming against it unknowingly.

Removing her right hand from holding onto the base of his penis, Samia relaxed her throat, before taking as much of it down her throat that she could. Grabbing his thigh with her right hand, Samia used her left hand to fondle with his heavy balls.

Sahir threw his head back, eyes rolling back, feeling his pleasure grow greatly. His bottom lip slipped in between his teeth, holding back a moan. After a few seconds, his teeth's grip on his bottom lip grew, causing a trail of blood to leak into his mouth. Opening his eyes, Sahir admired the sight of Samia's ass in his face.

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