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July 1st, 2020

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July 1st, 2020

Colorful lights flashed all over the dark room, giving it some type of light. As Bliss always was at nighttime, the atmosphere was noisy and chaotic. Dancers worked the pole gracefully, while others danced sexily on the stage. Bottle girls scattered around the floor, trying to find the next man that wanted a drink and would leave a hefty tip.

Disguised as a dancer, Samia looked into the bejeweled mirror. Her face was filled with make up, enough to mask her identity, all while not messing up her skin. Taking out her braids, just for this, her hair was up in a slick ponytail. The ponytail hanging past her lingerie top. Her outfit was simple, an all white lingerie bodysuit, showing off her body, but keeping her private parts hidden. Her skin glistened with sparkles, and on her feet were seven inch high heels with glitter at the bottom.

"Angelface, your on." One of the workers said tapping the door, before exiting the room.

Nodding her head, Samia applied more lipgloss. Blowing a kiss at her appearance in the mirror, she left the vacant dressing room.

Heading towards the stage, she was stopped by the manager, Benny. Benny grabbed her arm, gently, pulling her into his office. Closing the door, he stepped to the side, allowing Samia to see the figure that resided inside.

"What are you doing in here, Sahir?" Samia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Looking at Benny, Sahir shot him a head nod, to leave the room. Benny stood there for a few seconds, before catching on.

"I'm just gonna go tell them that she's not dancing." He said as he quickly left the room.

Raising her hand up, Samia pointed one of her freshly done, red acrylics at Sahir.

"Why did he just say that I wasn't dancing?" She asked Sahir, tilting her head to the side.

Moving closer to Samia, Sahir stopped when there was only one feet of distance in between them.

"I just realized that I only want my wife dancing for me." He said shrugging his shoulders.

Eyeing his face, Samia cut her eyes at him.

"The plan was for me to get on the stage and catch Muerte's eyes. How do you expect me to catch his eyes, if I'm not dancing?" Samia questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's easy. By using your charm." Sahir said with a smirk.

Staring at Sahir with a blank face, Samia resisted the urge of rolling her eyes.

"You know during our mission in London, I didn't interfere with you when you had to seduce someone's sister, so why are you interfering in mine?" Samia asked closing the distance between them.

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