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September 1st, 2027

Turning towards both sets of twins, Sahir eyed them, assessing each one of them as they stood tall. Beginning his short walk, he stopped in front of his first set: Sayid and Seiji.

Though they were just eight years old, it was obvious to tell the difference between the two, though they were identical.

Though a child, Sayid was very serious about everything he done. He moved with precision, always keeping himself a few steps ahead of everybody, mainly his siblings. He was exactly how his mother was, when she was younger: persistent to do anything he put his mind to. He was determined to be one of the greatest spies, like his parents and grandparents, and to him, to become the greatest spy meant not playing around.

On the other hand, Seiji was a carbon copy of his father. He played around in serious situations, not caring about the repercussions that could come from his actions. He was a trickster, always getting himself out of his own messes. He was quick in learning certain things from his parents, resulting in him having a very confident, or cocky, air about himself.

Humming to himself, Sahir moved to stand in front of his second set of twins: Sekai and Sakari.

The two, seven year old boys were troublesome, for lack of a better word. They were constantly playing tricks on their father, since he always told them how they were suppose to be girls. They would always mess with their father, shaving off all of his facial hair off while he was sleep, or even, placing a certain chemical in his bath, making his skin have a blue tinge for weeks. Though they messed with him, they wouldn't even think about treating their mother in the same regard as him.

"So the mission is very simple." Sahir started once he was sure all four boys had their eyes on him. "Your goal is to sneak into the house and steal something valuable, without getting caught."

"That's easy." Seiji said with a smirk, knowing he could get the job done.

"Since it's so easy, you guys have ten minutes to go and come back undetected. Each of you carrying something valuable in your hand, now go." Sahir finished watching them leave, before he could even finish his words.

Meanwhile, Samia sat in an enclosed room, monitoring the boys as they snuck into the camera filled house. She watched as Sayid went one way, as Seiji went another, and Sakari and Sekai take the top floor together.

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