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June 10th, 2020

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June 10th, 2020

"The FBI fired Sahir twice?" Captain Landry asked as Detective Henderson, Lieutenant Blue, and himself left out of the police station.

Lieutenant Blue nodded his head, before speaking, "They fired him in two thousand and eight, rehired him in twenty-eleven, and then fired him again in twenty-twelve."

Captain Landry opened his car door, throwing his briefcase inside of his car, before he turned to the two officers leading his most important case, as of late.

"Did you find out why?"

Detective Henderson shook his head.

"There's all kinds of rumors. I asked people close ta' me who are actually in the FBI and I received different answers from all of them." Detective Henderson stated, before pausing. "In between those years he worked for the CIA."

Captain Landry's eyes widened, before he shook his head and began to rub his right temple.

"That's not all." Lieutenant Blue began to say. "His wife, Samia, has worked for the FBI, CIA, and other classified organizations. The difference between her and Sahir is that he was always fired and she quit, so that they could stay working together."

A loud sigh escaped Captain Landry's mouth.

"So who are they workin' fa' now?" He asked hoping that he would hear some type of fact.

Both Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson shrugged their shoulders.

"That's actually a good question, sir." Detective Henderson let out, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Captain Landry looked at both Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson, making sure to look them both in the eye.

"I want you both to find out." With that being said Captain Landry hipped into his car, driving off, leaving Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson in his dust.


Both Sahir and Samia sat on a park bench looking over a file, as both Sayid and Seiji slept in their double stroller, in front of them.

"Thirty-eight year old Austin Evans, lives at three hundred forty-five Canal Street. He's a research scientist at Foster Industries. He was dishonorably discharged from the United States Navy and is currently in the middle of a nasty divorce." Sahir said to Samia, reading the file that laid in his hands to her. "Madame Sinclair has him stealing merchandise from his job and giving it to her. She had him stealing materials that he could use to work with the D-32 that she has."

Samia shook her head.

"I can't believe that we actually took this job." She said taking the file away from Sahir, placing it underneath the baby's bag in the stroller. "When I was negotiating, I was dead-ass playing, I don't know why Gabriel thought I was serious."

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