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June 20th, 2020

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June 20th, 2020

Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson turned their head towards the voice speaking, only for them both to roll their eyes.

"Anything you care to tell us?" Lieutenant Blue asked looking Sahir in his eyes.

Sahir scrunched his face up, in a thinking way, before nodding his head.

"The oysters looked terrific." He said giving the lieutenant and detective a smile.

Lieutenant Blue rolled his eyes for the second time, in Sahir's presence.

"I mean about what went on around here?" Lieutenant Blue said raising an eyebrow in question.

Sahir looked at Samia, before shrugging his shoulders.

"I would say that it was a domestic disturbance." He said causing Samia to nod her head in agreeance.

"A domestic disturbance, you say?" Asked Detective Henderson, who could tell that something wasn't right about that statement. "Then why could gunshots be heard from miles away?"

"Well-" Sahir started, but was interrupted by Lieutenant Blue.

"If you have a gun, I suggest you give it ta' me now."

Sahir and Samia looked at each other, before bursting out laughing. They stood there, laughing in the two officers face, before Samia let out a playful scoff.

"Sahir is a lousy shot, he doesn't need to carry a gun."

Sahir let out a loud gasp, turning Samia's way to say, "That's not what the guys at the FBI would say."

Samia sent a small eye roll his way.

"They may not have said it at the FBI, but we said it all the time at the CIA."

Instead of replying, Sahir waved Samia off.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys, but we should be leaving." Sahir said placing his hand onto Samia's lower back, urging her to start walking.

Samia sent a smile to both the lieutenant and detective before doing so.

"Do we follow them?" Detective Henderson asked looking between the Wests' and the crime scene.

Instead of replying, Lieutenant Blue quickly followed behind the Wests'.

"You guys think you're smarter than us." Lieutenant Blue said after jogging slightly, trying to catch up to them.

"Oh not by much." Sahir said looking over his shoulder to send a wink the lieutenant's way. "We just have more training."

"I thought you said you were a grill's salesmen?" Lieutenant Blue asked since they had stopped due to a parade.

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