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June 10th, 2020

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June 10th, 2020

Leaving the park once Samia felt that her babies were burning up from sitting in one spot, in the sun for too long, Sahir decided that the couple should walk around the city.

"Let's go check out the markets." He told Samia who walked beside him, as he pushed the stroller.

"I'm down." Samia said nodding her head.

Samia continued to walk as Sahir stopped, but she was quickly pulled back by him.

"What are you-" She started, but was interrupted by Sahir's lips on her own.

The kiss was like any kiss that the two shared: tongue filled, nasty, and filled with passion. Right when Samia was about to wrap her arms around Sahir's neck, she heard two baby rattles hit the floor.

Quickly picking them up, she placed them underneath the stroller and grabbed two new, clean, ones to give to her babies.

"The jealously that comes from those two is astronomical." Sahir said cutting his eyes at his two sons, who only giggled and responded with gibberish.

Samia shook her head, before leaning into the stroller to kiss both of her babies and hand them their new toy. Right when she was about to pull back, she felt Sayid's two little hands grab her face and pull it closer to his. Allowing him to do so, Samia felt two wet lips smush against her left cheek.

"Awww," She cooed out to Sayid, smiling. "Thank you baby."

Samia began to back away, but stopped when she seen that Seiji was about to throw a fit. Leaning into him, the same way she did Sayid, she allowed him to place a open mouth kiss on her right cheek, which allowed his drool to roll down the side of her face.

Wiping her face as she pulled away from the stroller and stood tall, she shook her head at both babies and said, "I'm starting to think you guys love your mommy too much."

Sahir nodded and jokingly added, "They need to go somewhere else with that. You're my woman, not our woman."

Samia laughed at what Sahir said, causing the babies to begin to giggle.

"What are they, your groupies?" Sahir said with a scrunched you face. "I'm telling you now, next you get pregnant, it better be with a girl or I'm jumping off a ship."

Samia shook her head.

"Ok Mr. Suicidal, can we go to the market. I want to pick up some stuff, so that I can see what Milan was talking about." Samia said to Sahir.

Sahir nodded his head.

"Alright we'll go, so that you can see what you're new bestie is talking about." Sahir teased Samia as they both began to walk.

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