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June 29th, 2020

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June 29th, 2020

"You know when I was their age, I was already walking." Sahir said as he sat down on the ground, holding both of the twins up by their waists.

Samia quickly scoffed, sitting the tablet down onto the table.

"My babies are perfectly fine, don't do that." Samia said cutting her eyes at him.

Sahir smacked his teeth, replying, "I was walking by eight months and talking when I was five months. Your sons are a little behind, but what could I expect, they do have half of your genes inside of them."

"Nigg-" Samia started, but quickly calmed down. "You almost brought out another side of me that I haven't seen in years. You gon' stop talking about my sons like that."

"I ain't gon' do not-" Sahir began to say, but quickly stopped when he seen a crazy glint in Samia's eye.

"That's what I thought." Samia said picking the tablet back up.

Madame Sinclair was residing in an abandoned part of the bayou in Louisiana. There was a fishing boat that passed it, using a certain route, every two days. That was the only way they would be able to get there, without looking suspicious.

Samia sighed, before moaning in pain. Quickly unstrapping her bra, from underneath her shirt, Samia released her tender breast from torture.

Sahir eyed the whole interaction with a stupid grin on his face.

"My daughter is finally baking." He said in the twin's face, sticking his tongue out at them.

Rolling her eyes at Sahir's comment,

"Do you really think that Blue can do this thing at the bank?" Samia asked Sahir.

If Lieutenant Blue was able to succeed, then the rest of the mission would be smooth sailing.

"Yes, he's really a good guy. Easy to mess with. Plus, all he's doing is leading the target to me." Sahir said letting out a small chuckle.


"I really appreciate your help, Lieutenant. It's a really easy job. You just go inside and cause a commotion. Be as loud as possible." Sahir said to the Lieutenant as they both stood in front of the bank, across the street from Austin Evan's old house.

"Loud?" Lieutenant Blue questioned Sahir with an raised eyebrow.

Sahir quickly nodded his head.

Eyeing Sahir's face for any sign of foolishness, Lieutenant Blue sighed when he seen how serious Sahir was.

"But before you go, you need to loosen up." Sahir said beginning to poke the Lieutenant Blue in his sides.

"What are you doing?" Lieutenant Blue asked twisting his body around, not liking what Sahir was doing.

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