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July 3rd, 2020

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July 3rd, 2020

Hopping off the boat, Muerte looked around at the warehouse he was now standing in front of, shaking off the urge to vomit that the boat gave him.

The warehouse was in the middle of nowhere, not an easily detected spot to find. It was surrounded by the water of the bayou and trees, but still visible to anybody looking overhead.

Looking behind himself, Muerte could see that the boat he arrived on, was already gone. Deciding to get a move on, Muerte began to walk on the grass filled lot, before he stood before a ramp. As soon as he began to walk on it, he seen women from all angles start to appear.

He began to eye each of them discretely, with lust, before he noticed the machine guns in each of their hands. He stopped walking, feeling the hair on the back of his neck began to stand. Turning around slowly, he seen two women with menacing glares, pointing their guns at him.

"Put your guns down," Madame Sinclair said as she exited the warehouse, standing at the top of the ramp. "This is not how we treat our guests."

Nodding towards Muerte to walk, she watched as he walked with a fake confidence, before he appeared before her.

"It's lov-" He began to say, but was stopped by multiple hands accessing his body for weapons.

Once they realized that he came how Madame Sinclair asked of him, they backed up, but still remained close by.

"Muerte, the man of death himself. How was your trip?" Madame Sinclair asked with a flirtatious smile on her face.

Muerte began to nod his head up and down, for a while, before realizing that he should be speaking instead.

"I-it was good." He spoke in his accented tone, deciding not to mention how sick he felt due to the fast motion of the boat. "Very good."

Madame Sinclair nodded her head, before openly checking Muerte out. He actually wasn't a bad looking man, and from what she could see, he had fake teeth in, as a replacement to his original ones that were gone too soon.

"Follow me." She said turning around, walking towards the warehouse.

Muerte quickly followed suit, not looking at the eyes of women staring him down harshly. Entering the warehouse, he seen Madame Sinclair sending a hand signal to the woman who stood on guard inside. Slowly, but surely, the women began to creep out of sight.

"I want to know what brings you here, Mr.Death?" Madame Sinclair said as the entered her office.

Sitting down in her chair, she eyed Muerte as he sat down in the chair that the last man she brought in, died in.

Trying to cross his right leg over his left, Muerte stopped when he realized that he couldn't do it. Deciding to sit in the chair regularly, Muerte answered, "I'm here because I heard that you could use someone of my talents to get rid of someone, we both have a common interest in."

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