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June 22nd, 2020

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June 22nd, 2020

Sahir and Samia sat on the trolley, wrapped around each other, while their babbling babies sat in their double stroller, in front of them. They were on their way to complete a part of their mission, all while enjoying the joys that New Orleans brung.

Samia sat with her legs crossed, lying on top of Sahir's. Her left arm wrapped around his midriff, as her right arm lied entangled with his that was wrapped around her waist. Her head lied on his shoulder, but her eyes remained on his face, studying the man that she called hers.

"You've been staring at me for a while." Sahir said without taking his eyes off of Seiji and Sayid.

Samia shrugged her shoulders, replying, "I can stare at my man whenever I want."

Samia watched Sahir's dimples begin to deepen as a smile broke out on his face. Watching him turn his head to look at her, her eyes instantly went to his lips, which his tongue swept over before disappearing back into his mouth.

"You right," Sahir started, leaning in closer to her. "You're allowed to look at me all you want."

Samia could feel herself leaning in closer, ready for Sahir's succulent lips to attach themselves onto hers. Right when his lips were about to press against hers, a voice interrupted their moment.

"What a surprise ta' see you guys here?" Lieutenant Blue said as he walked up to the couple that was obviously having a moment.

Salina rolled her eyes, leaning her head back down onto Sahir's shoulder.

"I don't think it was much of a coincidence." She muttered, moving her gaze onto her children.

Sahir smirked to himself, before placing a chaste kiss onto her forehead. Bringing his head back up, he looked up at the lieutenant and detective that stood in front of them, holding onto the poles.

"What a displeasure it is to see you guys here." Sahir said looking into both Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson's eyes. "I see you guys have been assigned to follow us."

Lieutenant Blue let out a huff, before sitting down in the chair across from the Wests'. Detective Henderson followed suit, quickly after.

"Who says we're followin' you?" Lieutenant Blue asked with an eyebrow raised and a smirk.

"Oh I get it." Samia said with a slightly raised tone. "You guys have a day off and your spending it together. Bestie goals."

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