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June 18th, 2020

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June 18th, 2020

Pulling up to Foster Industries, Sahir smoothed out his beige suit jacket. Making sure that his black tie laid flatly again his white dress shirt, he entered the big building with a black briefcase in his hand.

As soon as Sahir entered, he could tell that this building needing some upgrading. They lacked the proper security, and he was going to use that to his advantage.

Sahir stood in front of the desk with his body at an angle, making sure that his face was kept away from any cameras.

"Hi, what can I help you with today?" A woman politely greeted from the front desk.

Sahir sent a quick smile, before saying, "Hi, I have a meeting with Austin Evans, set for noon. I arrived early because I would like to properly set up."

The lady nodded, before going to the appointment files on her computer.

"I'm sorry that I didn't ask this sooner, but what is your name?" Looking at the names on the list, she turned back to Sahir. "I have to validate that you're really who you say you are by checking your license as well."

Sahir nodded his head, reaching into his pocket to grab his wallet.

"I completely understand," He started, handing the woman his license. "you wouldn't want some wacko to come in here and not be who they said they are. My name is Michael Fox. I came here on behalf of World Industries."

The lady's eyes remained on the computer, shifting between his license and the screen, before she looked back up at him.

Handing him back his license, she said, "Alright Mr. Fox, everything checks out. If you would go to the elevator and go to floor ten, the first conference room on the left is where your meeting will be held. Conference room twenty-two."

Sahir sent a nod of gratitude her way, before walking towards the elevator. Once he entered the elevator, he turned towards the camera in the corner. He stared at it for a while, before sending it a big grin. He left off the elevator once it made it to the floor, he needed to get to.

Entering the conference room, Sahir checked around the room. There was a long wooden table in the middle of the room, surrounded by tons of black desk chairs. Seeing a few cameras positioned on the walls, Sahir smacked the wall, placing a small chip on it that would mess with all of the camera footage.

Once he knew that he was clear, Sahir walked towards the seat at the end of the table. Sitting in it, he turned it away from the door, towards the glass wall with an overview of the city.

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