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June 29th, 2020

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June 29th, 2020

The Audubon Zoo was a lively place after noon. Parents could be seen running after after their kids, who were eager to look at as many animals as they could. Groups of kids in the same shirt, most likely on a field trip, could be seen eyeing the place with mischievous looks. The workers stood around with fake, tired smiles that didn't leave their faces, however. Hell, even the animals looked tired of being used for human's amusement. They looked as if, if they were to ever get their chance to run away, they would do it in a heartbeat.

"Isn't the tiger gorgeous?" Samia cooed out to a nonchalant Sayid, whose face held no emotion.

Sahir laughed at Sayid, shaking his head.

"That boy is gonna be mean as hell." Sahir said thinking about the future.

Samia snacked her teeth, following up with, "Ok and? I hate to say it, but Seiji will most likely take up after you."

Sahir shrugged his shoulders.

"That's the best thing that could happen, if you ask me." Samia pushed his left shoulder, roughly. "Don't be mad at me because your babies turned eleven months and all of a sudden want to start coming into their personality."

Samia eyed Sahir with disdain, thinking of how she could've chose any other man to spend the rest of her life with.

Deciding that the tigers weren't interesting enough to stay and watch, Samia began walking away, towards the next exhibit. Without turning around, she could tell that Sahir followed her with the twin's stroller, due to the sound of it running over the gravel.

"Your son is always sleep during the good stuff." Sahir said speaking on Seiji, who was currently knocked out in the stroller.

Samia wanted to say, "Well I wonder who he gets it from, asshole." But she held it in, deciding that he's not worth her exerting negative energy, in such a place, filled with high energy.

In the distance, two dark brown, almost black eyes watched the Wests', plotting on when to strike. They were tired of not getting the upper hand, and decided that today was the day that they seeked vengeance.

Looking around at her surroundings, Samia let out a tired sigh.

"How come we can never enjoy ourselves?" Sahir shrugged his shoulders. "You're going to have to talk to your little friend."

Sahir quickly scoffed.

"Which one?" He asked earning a laugh out of Samia who placed Sayid back in the stroller.

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