Chapter 1 - She knows

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Angie was standing right behind me with tears in her eyes.

- A-Angie... - I stuttered, I didn't know what to say.

- You... - she hissed - You liar!

- Angie, I-I can explain... - I said, jumping up from the bench and was about to walk closer to her, but she backed off.

- You lied to me! There's nothing you can explain about it! - she cried - I told you everything... Everything I thought and felt... About YOU!

- Angie, I...

- You lied to me! I thought I can trust you! I thought I could finally fall in love with someone else who's not you... And it turned out it was you all along!

- I'm sorry... - I muttered. I was in shock that I didn't know what to say at all, but then something came to my mind that I might can save myself with - Angie, I might lied to you by trying to be Jeremias... But what I was saying to wasn't a lie... That I love you and I would do anything for you...

Angie looked at me for long minutes in silent, but she didn't seem to believe me.

- Of course... - she finally spoke up again - You loved me so much that you almost got married to Esmeralda...

- I wanted to forget you, but then I realized that I can't! I wanted to tell you how I feel, but I knew sou wouldn't believe me!

- Of course I wouldn't since you proposed her!

At this moment Angie suddenly collapsed on the bench, breathing heavily.

- Angie! Are you okay?? - I asked, worriedly as I was about to help her, but she pushed me away.

- Don't touch me! - she hissed then quickly stood up and walked away.

For a minute I didn't know what to do, but then I decided to follow her back to the Studio and when I arrived she quickly went to the music room and tried to close the door, but I stopped her.

- Angie, I beg you!

- You can beg me however you want to! You lied to me....

She was now crying.

- I'll never forgive you!

- Angie...

Just then Nicolas appeared out of nowhere.

- What's going on? - he asked, looking at is in confusion - Angie, are you crying?

- I was - said Angie, now calmer - But your offer is still up?

- No, Angie... - I whispered. She can't possibly do that, can she?

- Of course - Nicolas replied - Why do you ask?

- Because I've decided... I'm going.


I wish I could scream at this moment, but a single word wouldn't come out of my mouth.

Meanwhile a huge grin appeared on his face as Angie said that and they shook hands.

- Then we'll talk about this a bit later on, okay? - said Nicolas.

- Okay... And thank you - Angie replied and Nicolas left.

- A-Angie... - I stuttered, but she just shot me a cold look and walked away.

She's leaving... She's leaving to France and it's all my fault...

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