Chapter 29 - One more time....

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Angie go her job back and everyone is so happy... And so am I because of seeing them happy. I don't know what would I do without her.

I'd really regret if I wouldn't have gone after her to Paris... And now she's gonna be my wife.

When later on we all headed home I just couldn't let go of her. I was too happy to do that.

- German... You know I'm not going anywhere anymore so you don't need to hug me so much... - she laughed.

- I know, but I like hugging you! - I said, sounding like a child - But I can let go of you... If this is what you want... - I added, pretending to be sad.

- Nah! You know I love when you're hugging me... But I need to check on Shaun in his room now...

- Ah... Uhm... Okay - I mumbled, blushing slightly - Oh... Anyway we can go shopping for him anytime that you both want to, okay?

- Okay!! - we suddenly Shaun's voice then he between us on the sofa.

- Hey, boy! - I laughed as I pulled him into my lap - Are you also happy to live here with me?

- Yes! I'm happy! Mostly because the bad man was hurting my mommy! And I don't like people who hurts her! But you don't hurt her!

Both me and Angie were looking at him with a huge smile on our faces.

- You make her happy! And you're my real Dad! Of course I love living with you! And I love you now!

This almost made me cry, but instead I pulled him into a tight hug.

While we were hugging someone knocked on the door and Olga went to open it and the next thing I heard was a really familiar voice that I didn't want to hear ever again.

- Germy!!

Yes. It's Esmeralda.

We all shot up from the sofa and I could see Angie's getting angry.

- What are you doing here, Esmeralda?! - I asked her, trying to stay calm.

- To have our marriage, of course! - she grinned then came to hug me, or kiss me, but I never found out because Angie grabbed her and pulled her away - What the hell are you doing, you rat?! - Esme hissed.

- Calm down, calm down! - I snapped - We're not gonna get married so don't even dream about that! So leave my family alone, Esmeralda and even ever come back because no one needs you here!!

- Y-You can't be serious... - she mumbled.

- I am serious! Now leave before I call the police!

Esme couldn't say anything so she stormed off and Angie sighed painfully.

- Don't worry, beautiful - I smiled as I pulled her into my arms again - No one will break us apart... Because we're gonna get married as soon as possible!

Angie looked at me surprised when I added...

- Of course... If you want it too...

- Of course I want to!! - she almost screamed then blushed deeply in embarrassment which is always so cute.

- Alright - I giggled and kissed her softly - Then it's decided... We're gonna get married as soon as we can get everything ready!

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