Chapter 9 - The meeting: Part 2

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- Angie... - I sighed as I looked up into her beautiful green eyes that I fell in love with years ago.

But her eyes were different than usual. Her eyes weren't shining the way they used to. She didn't seem so happy and it made me really worried. It made me worried, but I couldn't say anything as her husband was sitting in front of me.

- Angie... - suddenly Nicolas spoke up and we broke eye contact - Leave us alone please... After we finished I'll send him to you so you two can talk, okay? - he smiled.

- Okay... Thank you... - she smiled slightly back at him as she went to kiss him on the cheek and when she turned around to leave the room she shot me a sad look and left.

I don't understand what's up with that sad smile though. And her beautifully shining eyes are not shining anymore.

What could have happened to her?

----- TIME SKIP -----

After seeing Angie after 4 years I couldn't wait to finish with the meeting with Nicolas and go to talk to Angie again.

I didn't have guts to listen to him anymore and after a while he seemed to notice it too...

- You want to talk to her, don't you? - he asked.

- I uhm... - I stuttered hesitantly.

- It's okay - he laughed - I know I'm not that interesting and you haven't seen your sister-in-law for a long time now...

- Yeah... - I nodded then I looked straight into his eyes as I continued - Did you take a good care about her?

He looked at me coldly for a second before he replied:

- I did. I love her after all and I want the best for her.

You're saying this, but your eyes says something different...

- You can go now - he said - Dorian! - he shouted then the butler came in - Take Mr. Castillo to Angie's room, or wherever she is now.

- Yes, Sir - he nodded then looked at me - Follow me, Mr. Castillo.

I just nodded then stood up and went to follow him up the stairs to a huge room.

- Angie...? - I said as I looked around.

- Coming! - I heard her shouting and a few seconds later she came to greet me - Thank you, Dorian... - she said to the butler who bowed then left.

For a few seconds we were just staring at each other then I pulled Angie into a tightly hug and didn't let go of her for long minutes.

- Uhm... German... - she mumbled after a while - I can't breath...

- Ah, sorry... Sorry - I muttered awkwardly as I let go of her - Sorry, but I'm so happy to see you...

- Me too - she smiled slightly - So you're going to work with Nicolas, huh?

- Yeah... But I'm not here only for that...

- No? Then why are you here? - she asked confused.

- I'm here to see you... - I replied as I held her hand gently.

- See me?

- Yes...

- Why...? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend.... Or wife... - he groaned, looking so sad that broke my heart.

- I don't have a wife, or girlfriend... Because I can't date with anyone... Because I need you...

- German... I-I'm married... - Angie stuttered.

- Then tell me something...

- W-What?

- Are you really happy now? Are you really happy by what you have?

At this moment Angie seemed to be hesitating for some reason.

- I am... - she muttered, looking down.

- Oh really?

- Yes...

- Then what was that supposed to me what you said to me when we were talking the last time?

Angie looked up, confused.

- "Don't give up on me"... This is what you said...

- I... I was just talking none sense... What do you care anyway?! You could easily move on on me all the time... Why can't you now?!

- I've never moved on on you! I never could... I wanted to forget about my old feelings for you, but as the time passed by my feelings got stronger...

- You almost got married!

- But I didn't want to say yes at all!

- It was a mistake for you to come here! - Angie hissed angrily - I hate you for what you did to me!

- You can hate me... But atleast meet me tomorrow at that nice coffee near this house...

Angie didn't say anything while I stood up and went to the door.

- If you truly hate me then don't come... But I'll be waiting for you there from 2 pm - I said then walked away.

Even though I didn't want to leave I had to because I didn't want to upset Angie more and I didn't want anyone else to hear us either.

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