Chapter 22 - Confession

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I woke up by the feeling of someone caressing my cheek and when I could fully open my eyes I realized that it's....

- Angie! - I gasped as I almost fell off my chair - Angie, you're awake!

At this moment I heard the count jumping up from the sofa behind me as well. I didn't even realized that he was still here the whole time too.

Angie smiled at me weakly.

- Where... Am I? - she asked as she looked around in confusion.

- In a hospital - I replied as I held her hand.

Angie suddenly seemed to be upset when the count came next to me.

- Go and get a doctor!

- Ah... Y-Yes! - I nodded as I quickly got out and came back with the first doc I found nearby and was willing to come and check on her.

When we arrived the doctor examined her then she told us the best news that so far we got lately.

- Few more days of rest and she can go home... But don't let her back near to whoever did this to her - he said.

- We won't - said the count then we both thanked the doc and I went in to Angie's room.

I sat next to her bed and held her hand firmly.

- How do you feel? - I asked her.

- Awful... But so much better too. Because you're here... - she replied as she smiled at me - You came to save me... Thank you...

- Angie... It's all my fault that happened... This is the less thing that I...

- That's not true! - she snapped - It's not your fault!

- It is...

- Why?!

- Because I pushed you away from me... Far, far away and you moved here... To Paris... And I thought I'm gonna lose you forever...

Now I felt like I'm about to cry, but I couldn't let Angie to see me like this.

- German... Don't say things like this because I'm gonna cry... - she mumbled, looking away as she was trying to hold back her tears too.

- Angie, I'm saying the truth here... - I said as I touched her cheek - Because I love you...

Angie gasped and began to blush deeply and so did I, but I didn't care anymore. I didn't care who see me like this because I'm too happy to care... And now it's time to make my confession to her.

- German... - she mumbled.

- This time I'm not mess things up! Now I want to be 100% honest...

- German, wait! - Angie cut me off again.

- Huh?

- Come closer... - she said as she smiled at me.

I didn't know what she wants so I did as she asked me to.

She placed her soft hands on my cheeks then kissed me on the lips. This is something I really wasn't expecting her to do now, but I returned the kiss more passionately.

- I heard everything you said... In my sleep... - she said when we broke the kiss - And I feel the same way... I love you too...

- Angie... - I muttered as I couldn't hold my tears back anymore - Come home with me... Please... - I begged while crying and holding her in my arms.

- Gladly... - she smiled and I kissed her happily again and again and I didn't even realized that the count and Ramallo is watching us from the door and smiling like two idiots.

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