Chapter 4 - 4 years later

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I'm so lost. I can't be happy as Angie is not with me anymore, doesn't matter what Ramallo tells me to do...

He keeps telling me to go on dates, but I can't do that! I can't because Angie's the only woman I can love for real and truly.

I don't know what am I gonna do now... I just don't...

----- 4 YEARS LATER -----

I'm still so lost. I can't think of anyone else, but Angie as she barely calls me and talks to me.

I miss hearing her voice, I miss seeing her beautiful smile, I miss being around her...

These past 4 years were like hell without her. I decided to focus on working as much as possible and not thinking about her, or anything else.

Even though Vilu found out about Jeremias later on she forgave me for it which made me happy, but now I'm just making her worried by not talking to anyone, either coming out of my office, or eat much. I just don't feel good enough to do anything.

I've been going out for a few dates with a woman, called Priscilla who's really nice and kind. Ramallo suggested her to me and I did how he asked me, but it's just useless.

I'm a hopeless idiot. I can't do anything to get Angie back and whenever she calls, or I'm calling her we can't talk properly because she doesn't want to. I can feel she doesn't want to and it's really painful for me.

- German! Lady Priscilla called! - said Ramallo one afternoon when I was sitting in the living room, thinking about Angie again.

- I see... - I muttered. I didn't want to talk about anything to anyone and especially not about Priscilla.

- Would you like to go out with her tonight? - Ramallo asked, looking at me.

- I really don't feel like going anywhere today, Ramallo... - I sighed.

- German, you can't do this any longer!

- You're the one talking, Ramallo?! - I snapped angrily - You told me to go with Esmeralda 4 years ago and forget Angie at the first place! You were the one telling me to move on with her!

- German...

- All of you wanted me to marry Esmeralda!

- But remember that I wasn't the one telling you to be Jeremias and work in the Studio as Jeremias, go out with Angie as Jeremias and make Angie think she fell in love with someone who's not you, German! - Ramallo shouted and Olga behind her nodded in agreement - You made her leave and not me!

I didn't want to admit... But he was right. It was me who made her go at the end. It might have been different if I wouldn't have done what I have done as Jeremias... I shouldn't have made Jeremias at the first place and Angie might have forgiven me at the end...

But if I wouldn't have created Jeremias I'd never ever known that I'm still in love with Angie...

----- TIME SKIP -----

At night I've been sitting in my office again when I suddenly heard Olga screaming:

- Mr. German!

- I'm not hungry, Olga! - I groaned.

Everything went quiet for 10 seconds....

- Dad, come out already! - said Vilu.

- I don't want to!

Then Ramallo came in...

- Come out for god sake and look what's on the TV! - he said.

He was really weird as he said that so I decided to come out and my jaw dropped when I saw her on the screen...

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