Chapter 7 - Traveling

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That night I layed down, thinking. Thinking about what to do.

People would call me an idiot, or something like that, but I'm deeply in love with Angie, even if she hates me... But now I'm determined to see her now and I'll do what I can to make her talk to me and forgive me.

- "Don't give up on me"....

Her words were ringing in my ears as I was thinking about why did she say that.

- What to do... What to do... - I mumbled to myself as I was walking in the park when suddenly I noticed Pablo nearby with Jackie and they were kissing.

Seriously! He used to be her best friend and now he's the one that doesn't even care about her! And she says that I'm not worst... He is. Not me.

Oookay! I made my decision!

I'm gonna go to France as soon as possible and do my best to meet Angie and find out what's up.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I went home and I bought a plane ticket to Paris for tomorrow morning so I can be there to the afternoon.

I packed the things that I'm gonna need there while Vilu and everyone looked confused at me.

- So you're going, huh? - said Ramallo.

- I'm going for the job, Ramallo. Don't eve try to say anything, okay?

- Okay, okay - he sighed - But we both know it's not the only reason, isn't it?

- Let it be my own business.

- Okay, fine.

- Ramallo... I need to see her. I need to see if she's alright there...

- I think you're a bit overreacting things, Dad - said Vilu.

- I might be - I said - But I want to see her and I'm not gonna deny it anymore... I want to tell her the truth... Doesn't matter what it takes...

Vilu smiled ans hugged me tightly.

- I'm proud of you, Dad... - she smiled - And if you meet her... Tell her to visit us... I miss her so much.

- I will - I smiled as I returned her hug.

----- NEXT DAY -----

The next day I asked Ramallo to take me to the airport.

- Take care, German - he said when I was getting out of the car - And be careful what you say to Angis if you meet her!

- I don't even know what am I gonna say to her if we meet...

- Okay... But still.

I just nodded to him, headed inside the airport and around an hour later we flew to Paris which was around 2-3 hours away.

On the whole was Angie was in my mind....

Something's not right because she seemed so sad when we were talk and I don't think it was because of me... Or only because of me, but there should be something else too... I just know it...

----- HOURS LATER -----

We finally arrived and I'm so exhaused, but I was excited at the same time so as soon as I went to my hotel I called Nicolas since he asked me to do that when I arrived here so we can talk about a meeting.

- Ah, nice to hear you arrived safety - said Nicolas when I told him that I arrived.

- Yeah...

- How about tomorrow we meet up at my house?

- Sounds good.

Then he told me his address and a few minutes later we hung up.

- Great... The sooner the better... - I sighed deeply as I collapsed on the bed.

I just can't wait to see her...

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