Chapter 15 - The party

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- Well, Ramallo... - I sighed as soon as the count left - What do you think? He really seem to know Nicolas so...

- I don't know, but without this party we can't find out about anything more - Ramallo replied.

- So are you willing to help me as well?

- Of course I do! I want Angie to be safe!

- Thank you... - I smiled - I feel the same way and without her beautiful smile then world is not the same... The world seems empty without it...

- German...

- Sorry, sorry - I shaked my head as I went out to the balcony.

- Don't worry - Ramallo smiled as he walked next to me - Everything will be fine and we'll get her back.

- I hope so... I truly do...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later on the count called me and told me that everything is ready for the party and he invited Nicolas and Angie too.

I'm quite surprised that he finished with everything in this very short time though, but the sooner, the better.

On Saturday me and Ramallo both got ready and soon we headed to the count's house where he was already waiting for us.

- Good. You're here - he smiled - Come in! Come in!

He pulled us inside where there were already a few guests around, drinking and talking.

The count introduced us to them and it was the best thing that he could do because between those people there was a guy with mustache and a really cold look who was actually a famous prosecutor in Paris who always 100% faithful to his job and no one can do anything to make him not to punish bad people.

He also introduced to some other people, but I couldn't focus on that. I wanted to see Angie already, but they weren't here yet.

After around 5 minutes they finally arrived.

Angie was so beautiful... As always.

Then there came Nicolas after her which made me turn away for a second.

----- TIME SKIP -----

After a while the count came up to me...

- I'm gonna call Nicolas away for some time - he said - Then it's all up to you if you can talk to her, or not at all... Time to go!

And with that he left and a few minutes later when Him and Nicolas disappeared I went to see Angie....

- Angie... - I whispered as I gently thouched her shoulder.

- Ah... G-German... - she muttered, looking around upsetly.

- Nicolas is not here... Don't worry...

She looked up at me, confused.

- Come up the stairs to the first room at the right in 2 minutes after I leave... I'll be there, waiting for you...

Then I walked away, quickly up.

I know she'll come after me. I could see that in her eyes now that she wanted to talk to me and this time I'm not letting go of her until she tells me the truth...

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