Chapter 17 - Truth

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- I trust you... - Angie finally said as she squeezed my hands gently - But please... Don't tell anyone about this...

- I won't, Angie... I promise - I smiled at her softly - So, tell me...

- Well...


I've been working in Paris for some time when I got fired and I couldn't pay my bills so I went to live with my mother... But I couldn't find a job anymore and from only my mother's money we couldn't live... I had to find out something.

My mother tried her best to help me, but nothing was useful and I felt like I'm so useless.

I lost all my hope... When all of a sudden Nicolas visited to us and when he found out that I no longer had a job he seemed really worried and wanted to help...

- How can I help you, beautiful? - he asked as he kissed my hand softly - Just tell me what you need and I'll give you anything...

- Mr. Nicolas - suddenly mother interrupted us - Do you like Angie... By any chance?

- I uhm...

All of a sudden Nicolas became nervous and looked away.

I was slightly surprised at first, but for some reason I found his embarrassment cute and I turned his face towards me.

- Do you like me? - I asked him.

He looked at me in the eyes then he placed both hands on my cheeks and kissed me.

- Woah... - I gasped after we broke apart and my mother was just smiling at us the whole time.

- I do like you, Angie... But before you seemed to be happy with Jeremias... So I gave up on my hopes... But now this seems to be a good opportunity to show you...

- Why don't you two get married?! - suddenly my mom spoke up and we both jumped - After all... This is how things goes here... Am I right?

- Right... - Nicolas muttered - But I'm not gonna force Angie to do something that she doesn't want...

- I... Well... If this is the only was I can help mom out then... Then I'd like to marry you...

I never thought once I'll say something like this... But I just did.

- Really? - he gasped as he looked at me, surprised.

- Yeah... - I nodded, a but hesitantly.

- Yes! - my mother jumped up in happiness.

Nicolas just looked at me, a bit confused which caused me to burst out, laughing.


- So then you two got married as soon as possible, I suppose - I mumbled.

- Yes - Angie nodded - We wanted to make in official as soon as possible and all I hoped for is that I might fall in love with him... And that I can forget about my feelings...

- Your feelings towards me, right?

She nodded, looking down.

- After that I didn't have time to tell any of you about the marriage, or anything and I didn't want to either as if I do then you'd got to know about my problems... And I didn't want that...

- Why?

- Because I didn't want Vilu to worry about me and I didn't want you to even get near me... I was still so mad at you...


Everything went well for a year and I slowly started to feel like I fell in love with him... I began to love him and wanted him near me as much as possible.

He did everything to make me happy... And I was happy... Until that day...

One day he went to a party while I stayed home... And he came home completely drunk and started shouting at me for no reason.

- Nicolas! Calm down, please! - I said to as I tried to calm him down, but it was useless.

- Shut up and tell me what did you do with him! - he shoutedand he pushed me against the wall really hardly.

- Ugh! Nicolas... P-Please...

- You're not... Gonna go there! You bitch!

Well... In short what he was saying didn't make any sense at all, but he suddenly hit me.

I was so shocked that I couldn't even cry, I just stared at him.

Aaand... All of a sudden he snapped back to reality and he started apologising and I thought that this is only from him being drunk.


By this moment I was completely shocked.

The count was right all along. He knew what kind of person Nicolas is and now I believe it too.

- But soon... - Angie continued - Soon I realized that it wasn't the case... At all...

- He became aggressive... - I guessed and she nodded, looking down at the floor.

- Yeah... - she muttered - She kept on hurting me whenever he left like it... Whenever he feels like it... He just... He...

I didn't say anything, I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly to me.

- He controls me... He makes me truly scared... And I don't know what to do... I-I just don't know... I'm scared of him...

So he is an aggressive monster... I can't believe it! How can someone hurt her and make her scared like this?!

This man disgusts me... Much more than before...

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