Chapter 28 - Studio

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After Pablo left Angie took a huge breath and came back into the kitchen where we were earlier.

I was peeking out at the door, but I wasn't afraid that she might get mad because she knew I was spying on them.

- Did you hear everything? - she asked.

- Yes, I did...

- I see... Then you heard what I said about you... Am I right?

- Yeah... That's true... - I grinned as I gently wrapped my arms around her waist - You were talking about me so sweetly... For the very first time...

- And everything was true... - she grinned too as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me softly, but meaningfully on the lips - Because you're my hero... And I love you so much...

- I love you too, my princess - I smiled at her and hugged her tightly to me - Do you still want to go to the Studio?

- Yes - she nodded.

- Okay, I'll take you there... But for now let's have breakfast!

- Breakfast! - cheered Violetta who just came downstairs and joined us for breakfast.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later we all headed to the Studio and everyone was so happy so see Angie back.

The girls and everyone were hugging her happily while I was only watching from the back with a huge smile on my face.

Then Pablo came again...

- Angie... It's nice to see you here... - he said, rather nervously.

- I'm glad to be back here - Angie smiled happily - Uhm... Can I have a question to you?

- Sure thing. What is it?

- Can I... Get my old job back here? I really missed everyone and the place here and... Honestly the hope to come back here gave me straight...

But before Pablo could answer Beto came into the room and hugged Angie happily.

- Of course you're coming back!! - he screamed happily.

- Yes, this is what I wanted to say too, Beto! - Pablo laughed.

- Yess!! - Beto cried then all of a sudden he hugged me and began to dance me around.

- What are you doing now?? - I asked him.

- You got our best teacher back and I'm sooo happy!! - he cried happily and as I saw how happy he was I decided to roll with it and dance around with him, but when I got the chance I let go of Beto and grabbed Angie for a dance instead.

- Woah! - she gasped - Shouldn't you be better dancing with Beto? - she laughed.

- Nope. And you know why?

- Why?

- Because you're gonna be my wife... And I should dance with my future wife - I smiled then leaned closer and kissed her softly on the lips.

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