Chapter 16 - Trust me

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I went up the stairs and soon I heard footsteps coming closer to the room where I was in and soon Angie came in, looking a bit afraid.

- You came... - I smiled. I was just so happy to see her that I hugged her very tightly.

- Yeah... I did... - she muttered - But I'm not sure if it was a good idea...

- It was a good idea! - I said while I was looking into her eyes.

- German, what do you want with this?

- I want to talk, Angie... Remember...

- Remember?

- Yes, remember...

- Remember about what?

- Remember about the past... About how everything started... About the way we got to know each other...

- German...

- Remember the very first day when we met? When I found you in my office?

- Yeah... - she smiled slightly.

- When you looked up at me with those beautiful eyes... - I smiled back at her and she began to blush - ... For a second I didn't know what to say, or do with myself... I didn't know who you are... I didn't know where did you come from... But I felt right away that you're special...

- You didn't show it...

- Maybe I didn't... Because I didn't know how... And I didn't want to either... - I said, looking at her right in the eyes - That time I had Jade and I thought I'm gonna marry her... But then everything changed... In a good way...

Angie's eyes were fixed on the the whole time and even though she didn't speak her eyes told me to continue speaking so I did.

I did what I could, I didn't know if it's enough, or not.

- One of our best moment was when you stopped me from interrupting Violetta on her date and we went to the park... Do you remember that?

- I do... - she smiled - You were so stubborn that I didn't know if I can even stop you from interrupting Vilu... But you agreed to come with me to the park then...

- Then we found that caramel apple stand...

- Yes... Dear god... They're so delicious...

- They are indeed - I laughed - It was a really good time together...

- It was...

- But there are two more that stands out for me... - I continued and I think she knew which ones I was thinking about because she began to blush again.

- Let me guess... - she started after a while of silent - One of them was in front of the Studio...

- Yes, that's true - I smiled as I caressed her cheek.

- I never admitted... But that kiss was really memorable for me... And your face after that even more...

She laughed which made me smiled.

- And the other one was in the kitchen - I added and she stopped laughing.

- Yeah... - she muttered.

- In that moment I finally realized my true feelings... My true feelings towards you and I didn't want to let go of those feelings... I never did...

She looked at me with her eyes widen open.

- I love you, Angie... I love you since the first day we met and till now... And I want you to trust me... Please...

I begged her and held her hands gently.

- German, I...

- Please, tell me what's wrong... Maybe I can help...

- Okay... - she sighed - I... I trust you...

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