Chapter 20 - Beaten up

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- Stay calm - said the count - Stay calm and let's find a way to see them...

I just nodded and followed him around the other side of the house and we peeked in on a window.

- I called my servant too to help us out when it's necessary - he added.

The window was closed, but we could clearly hear that Nicolas was shouting at Angie for no reason once again.

He was shouting and he seemed so angry at Angie while she was trying to talk to him calmly and this was the moment when he first hit her in front of my eyes. He hit her so hard that she fell on the floor

It made me truly shiver...

- We can't just stay here and watch! - I said as I looked at him.

- We won't - he replied then he headed back to the front door and I just followed him.

I was already shivering by what he might be doing with Angie while we're trying to get inside the house.

When we were in we heard shouting and it made me even more scared than before.

- We gotta hurry! - whispered the count.

This moment we suddenly heard Nicolas shouting angrily...

- Get your hands off me, you asshole!

When we arrived I recognized the count's servant holding tightly Nicolas' arm as he was about to hit Angie again.

- Angie! - I gasped when I saw her laying on the floor, uncoscious.

- Take her to the hospital, now! - said the count - I have some business to do with Nicolas here - he said while looked coldly at him.

- She's my wife! You're not taking her anywhere! - Nicolas shouting and he was about to come to get me, but the servant pulled him back and pushed him against the wall hard.

- You leave them alone! - he hissed.

Meanwhile I quickly picked her up and went to get to the hospital as fast as I can.

God, Angie... Just don't give up...

----- TIME SKIP -----

After I arrived to the hospital they quickly got her to a private room where the best doctors took care of her. This was the count's order.

I'm walking back and forth while a nurse is trying to calm me down, but it doesn't work.

All I can think about it Angie and how helpless and weak she looked just a moment ago which fer like ages.

I want to know how is she, but no one has came to tell me if she's alright, or not and meanwhileeven the count has arrived.

- How is she? - he asked.

- I don't know! She was so beaten up... And weak... And I'm so worried. I don't know what's up and I don't know what to do!

I then collapsed on a chair nearby as I felt so weak in my legs. I just didn't know what to do anymore... What if we were late?! I swear I'm gonna kill him!

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