Chapter 3 - The farewell and revealed by Vilu

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After Angie left to go home I felt all empty inside. I didn't know what to do because she's leaving and it's my fault. My only love is leaving me...

I think I'm not gonna sleep tonight...

I'm sitting in my office since the dinner finished as I didn't want to go to sleep.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I went to the park where we agreed to meet with Angie. Vilu was already out when I headed out too and walked to the park.

When I arrived I saw Vilu and Angie hugging and Pablo was in the back, looking at them. When they let go of each other Angie looked up at me and she smiled for some reason.

She came up to me and hugged me.

I was surprised by the hug, but I returned her hug while I whispered into her ear:

- I really can't do anything to make you change your mind? - I asked her, hoping for the best.

- No... - she replied shortly.

But no use....

We let go of each other and just then I saw a watch in her hand. It seemed to be a male watch so it might be from Pablo... Probably.

Then Vilu and Angie hugged one last time before she got into the taxi that was waiting for her and she left.

- She left... - Vilu stuttered as shd hugged me tightly - She really did leave...

- She did... - I sighed.

- I'm sure this is your fault again! - hissed Pablo angrily then stormed off.

I thought he was in love with Jackie, but it came out now that he's still in love with Angie which is understandable. I couldn't understand how could he move on on her to Jackie.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later on I went home alone because Violetta wanted to be alone for a while so I let her be.

When I arrived home Ramallo greeted me and shaked his head.

- Don't say anything, Ramallo... - I groaned.

- I'm not gonna say anything - he replied shortly - But I told you to not to do it... And yet you did.

- I know, but she went for the new job! - I snapped, but yet I knew it wasn't true. She left because of me... Because I was an asshole.

After this I just went into my office and calm down, but instead all I could do was to cry and cry a day and night too.

The next morning I went in to the Studio one last time to make sure everything is cleared as I wanted to get out of the Studio as soon as possible.

- Are you sure you want to do this? - Pablo asked, looking slightly sad for some reason.

- Yes, that's my decision - I replied.

- We'll miss you, Jeremias!! - screamed Beto (yes, screamed) and hugged me tightly.

- Ah, Beto... - I sighed deeply.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I headed back home after that with Jeremias' stuff and I was about to hide it in my office when suddenly Vilu appeared.

- Dad?

- Ah... Uhm... Hi... Vilu - I muttered, not knowing what to say.

- What... Is that? Is that a wig in your bag? - she asked, pointing at the bag in my hand - Wait... That bag looks a lot like Jeremias' bag...

- Uhm...

- Wait... Don't tell me that you...

I froze, I just couldn't say anything at all, but I didn't have to as Vilu found out already.

- You did this... You were Jeremias all along, weren't you?!

- I... I...

- No... - Vilu stuttered, now near to cry - Don't say anything... You made Angie leave us... Why...? Why did you do that?

- It wasn't my intention! I swear!

- Of course not! I went to the Studio as Jeremias to keep an eye on you!

Oh crap! I shouldn't have say that!

- Dad!

She didn't say anything more, she ran back to her room and locked the door.

Great... I fucked it up...

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