Chapter 5 - Married?!

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It was her. Angie.

Angie's on the TV with that guy... Nicolas. It's an interview about that threater and seems like it became very successful which is good, I guess.

But then I see Nicolas touching and caressing Angie's leg who was sitting beside him and she didn't even do anything against it.

- What the hell is going on? - I muttered to myself as I sat beside Vilu on the sofa and watching carefully to find out what's happening exactly.

- I've noticed that you two have been smiling at each other quite often... - said the riporter.

Yeah, I've seen that too.

- Well, you probably heard that I've been working so much on not one thing, but something that can change my life around 3 years ago - Nicolas started.

- Yes, I heard.

- I wanted to keep this is secret, but it's hard so we might tell you now... Right, Angie? - he said, looking at Angie who just nodded and Nicolas continued - We're married now. We got married 3 years ago and since then we're living together.

- What?! - gasped Vilu, Olga, Ramallo, me and even the riporter too.

No way... She didn't even like him! How could she get married to him?! How?! I hope this is just a bad dream that I'm gonna wake up from because if this is the reality I don't want to live anymore!

I just couldn't watch it anymore. I went back to my office, locked myself inside to finally be alone again and cry.

I feel like I'm a huge baby as I'm crying almost all the time, but I can't help it. I lost her... I really did lose her now...

- Dad... Can I come in? - I hear Vilu asking as she was standing at the door.

- Come... - I sighed as I tried to show her I'm not sad, but I onviously failed as she came up to me and hugged me tightly - Did you know?

- No, I actually didn't know... And I'm just as upset as you... That Angie didn't even tell me about it...

Now this made me snap back to reality. Why wouldn't Angie tell Vilu about her getting married? Something's not right here...

- I'm actually planning to Skype with her later tonight... - Vilu continued - Would you like to talk to her too?

- I don't think she would talk to me...

- Would you like to talk to her, or not? - she asked again.

When she's so serious like this she sounds so much like Maria.

- I would love to...

- Then come up to my room in... Around 15 minutes - she said then kissed me on the cheek and left.

This might be my chance... We'll see...

----- 15 MINUTES LATER -----

I went up to see Vilu as she said and she was already talking to Angie.

She was sitting on her bed with her laptop in front of her and when I arrived she looked at me for a seconds then back to Angie... It's probably because she doesn't want her to get suspicious just yet.

I stood at the door, listening to their conversation, but couldn't really pay any attention to that, but to Angie's voice. She sounded tired and weak for some reason.

I didn't pay attention much until Vilu asked:

- Why didn't you tell me that you're married?

- Huh?

Angie sounded confused.

- Don't play dumb with me, please... - Vilu said, sounding sad - We saw you on the TV earlier today...

- Oh... - Angie sighed - Wait... We? Did your dad saw it too?

- Yes, I saw it too - I said now, sitting down next to Vilu so I can see Angie too now. She was just as beautiful as I remembered - Why didn't you tell Vilu about this? I know you hate me, but she...

- German, I...

She seemed so sad as I said that, I don't know why. She hates me, isn't she?

- I'll let you two talk now... - said Vilu as she walked out of the room so that we can talk with Angie properly.

- Did you really fell in love with him? - I asked her, hardly could hold my tears back.

- I... I love him... - she stuttered.

- But are you in love with him?

- I... This is not your business! You hurted me anyway!

- Angie, I miss you!

- German...

- I know! I should just shut the hell up... I shouldn't have interrupt you and Vilu's talking, I'm sorry... - I said as I looked away from the screen.

- German... Don't... Say that...

Her shaky voice made me look back and I saw her crying too. She seemed really stressed out too for some reason.

- Angie... Are you okay? You seem sad...

Just then I heard a male's voice shouting from the background:

- Angie! Come here, now!

- I have to go, German! - said Angie worriedly.

- Fine... Just go... - I groaned, looking away again. I feel really selfish now that I'm not even happy for her, but playing grumpy here that I didn't want to look up.

- German... Don't give up on me... - she whispered before hanging up.

This made me jump and gave me some weird feelings as well.... On a bad way....

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