Chapter 6 - Suspicious

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After that conversation with Angie I felt a bit weird... I don't know why, but I had a feeling she wanted to say something, but then she didn't. And the way she said her last sentence before she hang up...

- "Don't give up on me"... - I repeated to myself over and over again when I was sitting in the kitchen the next morning.

- Then you're finally going with Priscilla on a date? - asked Ramallo suddenly.

- No... I wasn't talking about her. I'm not going on a date with anyone if I don't feel anything, Ramallo. It's just painful for me and I don't want to hurt Priscilla either.

- That's nice... But I don't understand what you're saying...

I sighed then told Ramallo about last night, but he seemed not to believeing me again.

- You're making things up, German - he said - She was probably tired when you two were talking.

- Oh really?? Then why did she say what did she say? - I asked him, folding my arms.

- I... Don't know... Maybe she wants to be...

- You know what? Don't even say anything, Ramallo - I groaned then I went out of the house to breath some fresh air.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Hours later I arrived back to the house and I found Jade in the living room. When she saw me she jumped into my arms.

- My love! Where have you been?!

- I've been on a walk... - I groaned as I got her off of me - But what are you doing here now? I told you to not to come near me, or my family anymore.

- But my love...

- And I'm not your love either! You ruined my family and made Angie to away! Do you have any idea how much you have damaged my family? - I shouted at her angrily - Of course you don't because you only care about my money as always! So you have 5 seconds to leave my house before I call the police and they will take you away!

And I started counting. When Jade saw that I'm serious she quickly stormed out of the house and just then I saw Olga and Ramallo staring at me, shocked, but I didn't care.

----- TIME SKIP -----

After dinner I was about to head upstairs when I saw Angie and Nicolas on the TV once again, but this time it wasn't an interview. It was a show.

It was dance show, or something like that... And oh my god... She dances so good... I didn't know she can dance like this... I didn't know she can dance at all.

- Wow... - Vilu gasped.

- Yeah... - I muttered then I was about to head up.

- Dad! Do you want to talk to Angie again? - Vilu asked - I'll call her soon...

- No... She probably doesn't want to talk to me...

- Dad...

- I just want to get some rest, darling - I smiled at her as I was about to head upstairs to my room I heard my phone ringing in my office.

I went in and picked the phone up...

- Hello? - I said.

- German Castillo? - said the male voice on the other side of the phone and I recognized the voice.

It's Nicolas.

- Yes... And who are you?

I played dumb. I just wanted to.

- Nicolas Galan. I want to offer you a job here, in France.

- I can't move away from....

- I'm not asking you to move. All I'm asking from you is time and to come to Paris to talk. What do you say?

- What kind of job are you talking about?

- I want to build something... Now this is all I can say for now.

- Hm... Alright. When should I go?

- As soon as possible - he said.

- Alright... I'll see... But I probably can go next week.

- That would be perfect. Then see you soon - he said and with that he hang up.

I didn't want to go at all first... But then I realized that this might be my only chance to see Angie again and might find out of there is something wrong, or am I just being paranoid.

It probably will be the last one though...

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