Chapter 14 - Ramallo's arrival

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That afternoon I arrived back to my hotel and when I went into my room a surprise was waiting for me on the bed...

- Ramallo?! - I gasped as I saw him sitting on my bed.

- Hello, German - he smiled.

- I thought you're only coming tomorrow!

- Well... I decided to come earlier as you sounded quite desperate to have me here - he said jokingly.

- Glad to see you though... - I smiled back at him now and hugged him tightly.

- Same here, my friend - he smiled back - Now tell me what do you know exactly...

I told him about the meeting with Angie the other day, about the mysterious count and what happened today as well.

- I see... - Ramallo muttered - After what you have just told me I really think there is something wrong and I mean Nicolas must be...

- Maybe, Ramallo! - I cut him off - But I don't want to think about that!

- German, I know this sounds bad, but after what you have said to me this is what I'm guessing... What else can be the case?

- Well...

Just as I tried to say something we heard a knock on the door and I went to open it.

It was the count.

- Hello - he smiled - Can I come in?

- Uhm... Sure. I have another guest with me anyway.

- Okay - he nodded then came in.

I introduced him to Ramallo quickly then he began...

- I decided to hold a party on Saturday and I want to invite Nicolas and Angeles too - he said - If we're there it will be up to you two to make her talk whenever you can and I'll make sure to get Nicolas' attention.

- Okay... - me and Ramallo muttered at the same time.

- Alright. But be very careful... Nicolas can't find out about this!

We both nodded.

- Can I have a question? - said Ramallo.

- Sure. What is it?

- How do you know Nicolas is dangerous?

- I know it because we were living in the same place when we were younger. In Marseille and I know about him much more than he does. He is one of those assholes who ruined my life too...

The last part he was groaned so angrily and for long seconds he seemed to be totally in another world then he came back from there and smiled nicely again.

- So yeah... That asshole should pay if he really is doing what we think he's doing - he said.

- Why should we trust you? - Ramallo continued.

- Ramallo! - I hissed at him.

- What? How do you know if he really is on our side, German?

Well, he was actually right in this again.

- The answer is obvious - said the count - I have deep respect towards women. And I hate abusing men. And if I'm right and Nicolas is abusing her he needs to get what he deserves.

Ramallo still seemed suspicious, but then he gave in. He started trusting him.

What are we gonna do after this? I don't know yet... I have no idea to be honest... But I'll see...

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