Chapter 31 - Wedding party and an amazing honeymoon

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After the ceremony finished everyone went to the wedding party where people were happier than ever and so was I.

The kids from the Studio were singing and dancing happily and Vilu pulled even Angie for dance with them and she did while I was watching them and smiling.

After a while I decided to join in and gently pulled Angie into my arms and so we began to dance together.

- How are you feeing, Mrs. Castillo? - I asked with a huge smile on my face.

- I'm feeling very well, Mr. Castillo. How about you? - she grinned at me and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

- Happier than ever, thank you for asking - I smiled back at her - Now that you're my wife and mine forever...

- Hey, hey! You know I'm not an object!

- I know you aren't... But you're my most precious treasure I have... And I don't want to lose you ever again...

- You won't - she smiled - You won't if you kiss me right now!

- Oh? Is that an order? - I smirked at her.

- Yes, it is!

- As you wish, my princess... - I laughed then leaned in and kissed her passionately on the lips while everyone around us went "aww" at the sight, but none of us cared about it.

----- TIME SKIP -----

A few days after our wedding we went to our honeymoon for three weeks to the Bahamas which is really beautiful and we both need to relax and just focus on each other.

Olga and the others at home make sure the Shaun is alright, but Angie keeps on worrying.

- Angie, calm down... - I smiled as I pulled her into my arms - They're all fine at home... Please, don't worry so much...

- Okay, okay... - she sighed - It's just not so easy after what situation we were and... A-and...

- Nicolas won't come out of jail for a long time... Or to be honest I don'g know what kind of punishment he got... But he won't be able to hurt any of you... I can promise you that... - I said, kissing her head.

Angie looked up at me then kissed me softly on the lips.

- Thank you, German... - she smiled and snuggled up close to me.

- I love you so much... - I whispered as we both layed down in our bed in the hotel.

- I love you too... - she smiled and again she kissed me passionately on the lips - Oh how long... I haven't got a chance to enjoy my life with someone I truly love... And he loves me back...

- Well... It's time to enjoy your life again because I love you more than anything and I'm not gonna forget about showing it to you either... - I smirked as I wrapped my arms firmly around her body, grabbing her butt.

- Oh! I have a feeling that you want to play now... - Angie gasped as I was grabbing her butt.

- Well... You feel it right... - I winked at her - But of course only if you want it too...

And just as I said that Angie took my shirt off and began to kiss me again.

- Oh... Ah... I take this as a yes... - I moaned then rolled over on top of her and this all went on the whole night....

----- HOURS LATER -----

- Thank you... - Angie muttered under her breath as she was laying on my chest - Thank you for coming after me...

- When I saw you for the first time after 4 years I saw there is something wrong... It was obvious that I'm coming after you - I smiled down at her and kissed her head softly - I always loved you and always knew if there's something wrong with you...

- German... - she smiled as she rolled over on top of me and looked into my eyes - I'm sorry for being so mean...

- Angie, it's okay - I smiled at her and caressed her cheek softly - I deserved it, but it's already in the past... Forget about it, okay?

- Okay... - she nodded slightly and gave me a soft kiss on the lips - I love you... I always did...

- And I love you too - I wrapped my arms around her body as she rested her forehead against mine.

At this moment I don't think anyone could be happier in the entire world than me...

A/N: Well... I know it's wasn't so good, but this is the end of this story. I hope you all liked reading it because I think this was actually better than the first book so yeah... Thank you all for reading and stuff xD ❤️❤ :3❤️❤️

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