Chapter 11 - Bruises

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I turned around to see Angie standing behind me with a huge, happy smile on her face and this time it wasn't fake at all. It was a real, happy smile.

- Angie... - I smiled happily - I thought you won't come...

- First I didn't want to... But then I was thinking... And changed my mind... So now I'm here - she said - Shall we sit down then? Or do you need to go?

- No! No, I don't need to go! - I gasped which scared her a little bit, but then she laughed and I couldn't help, feeling embarrassed - S-Sorry...

- It's okay - she smiled.

Then the same waitress came to us.

- Ah... Mrs. Galan - she said.

Damn... I totally forgot that she's actually quite popular here.

The waitress took our olders and left so we were left alone finally.

- What's up with you lately? - I asked her awkwardly.

- Everything is fine... - she replied - I just miss Vilu so much...

- You two have been talking almost every day on skype.

- I know, but it's not the same as if I could be face to face with her like... Like with you right now.

- Yeah, you're right... I've missed your beautiful face, you know... - I smiled softly and touched her cheek gently.

- German, please... - she sighed and took my hand off of her face.

- I'm sorry...

- No... Don't - she smiled at me which made my heart melt instantly.

- So would you explain something to me?

- What is it?

- Why did you say "don't give up on me" the last time when we were talking on Skype?

Angie hesitated. She looked at me for long seconds then she looked away and for some reason I felt like she was scared to tell me something.

Meanwhile the waitress arrived with our orders.

When she put them down she looked down at me for some reason... Probably because what I told her earlier and she might me scared if I'm doing something with the popular Galan's wife, but I just looked up and nodded towards her, telling her to not to worry about me.

She stood there for one more second then walked away and me and Angie continued talking.

- Angie... There is something wrong, isn't there? - I asked again - Please, tell me... I might can help...

- I... I'm sorry... I'm not ready for this... - she mumbled, looking away - I'm not ready...

- Why not?

She didn't respond.

- Angie...

- I'm just not ready, okay?! I have problems and I shouldn't be even talking about this! - she said upsetly.

- Angie....

After a while of silent I decided to change the subject to make Angie calm down and I began to talk about Violetta, the Sudio and all the other things that came to my mind and what can make Angie happy and smile.

It worked. Angie seemed really happy as we were talking about Violetta mostly and her smile made me smile too. It felt really good.

----- TIME SKIP -----

After a while Angie checked her watch and jumped up.

- I should get going now - she said in a shaky voice - Nicolas will be mad if I'm late...

- Mad??

I suddenly jumped up too.

- What does he do when he's mad?

I don't know why, but I asked this like a detective... Or something like that.

- Eh? What do you want with this?

- You always seem scared, or upset whenever he's near, or you're talking about him like now! What is it that he's doing? What is that you're hiding from me?

- Oh! How interesting that you care all of a sudden! - Angie snapped angrily as she took her bag and was about to leave when I grabbed her wrist.

I haven't grabbed her very hard, but it still seemed to hurt her.

I thought it was me first, but then I saw something on her arm so pulled her sleeve up and I saw bruises on her arm and they seemed pretty bad and recent.

- What happened to you? - I asked in surprise and I even let go of her because I didn't want to hurt her even more.

- I... I fell... You know how clumsy I am - she replied, not even looking into my eyes.

I know she's lying to me.

- Angie... From a falling you can't get these kind of bruises...

- But they are from a falling... - she said, still on a shaky voice and hesitantly - Now I'm going!

She then quickly walked out of the coffee, not even reacting when I called after her.

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