Chapter 27 - Pablo

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That evening I didn't let Angie to go in another room, but to sleep with me because I don't want her to be away from me even in the night.

Shaun got his own room which we will be decorating the way he wants and he'll get everything he needs there as well.

- Thank you, German... You have no idea how happy I am now... That I'm with you... Here... In a place where I know and love everyone...

- Don't thank me... - I smiled - Thank to yourself... Because if you wouldn't be strong enough... You wouldn't be here now...

- That's not true... Because without you I might wouldn't be alive now... - she mumbled - I heard what you have said to me next to my bed... And it gave me straight to wake up and stay alive... Because I wanted to be with you and wanted to forget everything bad...

As I was listening to her speech I couldn't help, but start to cry. I was so happy how she was talking about me like that.

- German... German, are you okay? - she asked, surprised when she noticed that I'm crying.

- I'm fine... I'm just so happy... - I muttered as I wrapped both arms firmly around her body and kissed her softly - I love you... So much... And I'll be better to you from now on... I promise... I will be your best husband!

- I love you too... And I'm sure you'll be the best - she smiled and leaned closer to kiss me more passionately than I did before - It was a mistake to run away... But that's the past...

- It is... And maybe we can't change the past... But we can make the future better.

- True... - she smiled then she rested her head on my chest - And I'm sure you'll be a perfect father to Shaun too...

- I'll do what I can to make both of you happy...

- I know you will...

----- TIME SKIP -----

The next morning I woke up first and enjoyed Angie in my arms a little longer before she woke up too and looked up at me with her beautiful eyes that I've missed all these years.

- Good morning, my beautiful fianceé - I smiled at her and kissed her head.

- Good morning, my hero... - she giggled then she rolled over and kissed me softly on the lips - Uhm... Have you been seeing Pablo while I was away?

- I haven't been talking to him at all, but I saw that he's... He's back with Jackie... - I muttered as I was expecting her to get upset, but she didn't.

- I see... Well, good for him... Anyway will you come with me to the Studio? I want to ask if I can get my job back there...

- Of course - I smiled at her.

Later on we both went downstairs to get some breakfast when suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

It was Pablo.

- Angie! Angie, why didn't you tell me you're home?? - he asked as he went to hug her tightly - How long will you stay?

Angie just stood there, not even returning the hug.

- I'm not going back... But seems like you don't know anything about what just happened to me a few days ago so... In short I'm no longer married to Nicolas.

- What?!

- And I'm engaged to German now...

This made me smile as she wasn't afraid to tell him the truth at all.

- I heard from Angelica that Nicolas hasn't been good to you, but... Really??

- Really what??

- Really German?! Why?!

- Why?? Because he saved me from that monster! And what did you do?! You didn't even pick the phone up for me when I've called you!

- I... I...

Pablo stuttered and couldn't reply to her anymore. He probably realized that she was right... But he really didn't pick the phone up for her?

I wouldn't be surprised though, but I'm better be quiet now...

- So Pablo... Would you stop judging and go back to your girlfriend now?! Because I don't need you advices anymore!

- Angie... I'm only giving you advices because I love you and I want the best for you... - he said, but Angie cut him off.

- German is the best for me from now for ever! So please...

- Alright, as you want - Pablo groaned the shot me a cold look and stormed off.

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