Chapter 2 - Last dinner together

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I can't believe it. Angie's really going to leave...

I was hoping that she might change her mind, but she already told Vilu about her new job which can only mean that she's serious about it.

I lost her... I lost her and it's all my fault. I love her and yet I keep hurting her all the fucking time! I'm so stupid! I should be making her happy and not hurting her!

And now here I am, sitting in my office, depressed as I have no fucking clue what to do.

I know... I talk harsh, but I don't care! I don't care anything anymore! I only care about Angie... But I lost her...

I went to the Studio yesterday to tell Pablo that I'm leaving. I just came up with a stupid lie so Jeremias won't came back anymore as I'm so sick of him now, but I few days later I went again, but this time as myself to talk to Angie.

- What do you want? - she hissed.

- When will you leave? - I asked her, looking down.

- Tomorrow - she replied.

- Atleast will you come to my house for one last dinner? You'd make Vilu really happy with it...

- Yes! - I heard Vilu suddenly screaming behind me - Please, Angie! For me!

- Okay, Vilu... For you - Angie smiled at her.

I knew she won't say no to her as she's the only one she loves so much and would do anything for her.

I thought she might even tell her about Jeremias, but she didn't... Luckily. She knows that if Vilu finds out I seriously will lose everything that makes me happy... That makes me who I am.

----- TIME SKIP -----

That night Angie really did come as she said and we sat down for dinner.

Vilu was keep asking her to stay and to not to go, but Angie is determined to go, but she promised her that she'll call her whenever she can.

I wanted to ask her if she'll call me, but I was too scared to say anything....

Am I a coward? Yes, I am.

- Angie... My little Angie is going so far away! - cried Olga as she hugged Angie tightly.

- I'll be calling home whenever I can, Olga - said Angie, smiling.

- For Mr. German too? - interrupted Ramallo while looking at me.

- Maybe - Angie said and now both of them were looking at me, but I just didn't know how to react.

- Angie, Angie! Let's sing your song together! - said Vilu excitedly.

Her song? Did she finish writing her song?

- Vilu, that is...

- Please! - Vilu begged and Angie gave in and nodded. When she did Vilu turned to me - Dad, play the piano for us?

- Okay - I nodded as I sat down to the piano.

Vilu gave me the song and soon I began to play and she began to sing first...

Si te sientes perdido en ningún lado
Viajando tu mundo del pasado
Si dices mi nombre, yo te iré a buscar

Then Angie....

Si crees que todo está olvidado
Que tu cielo azul está nublado
Si dices mi nombre, te voy a encontrar

Es tan fuerte lo que creo y siento
Que ya nada detendrá este momento

Then Vilu again...

El pasado es un recuerdo
Y los sueños crecen, siempre crecerán

Then the three of us sang together and I felt like the world stopped mostly when I looked into Angie's eyes and she looked back into mine and she even smiled at me.

Her smile made my heart beat faster... As usual. But I might never see this smile again... And it makes me sad.

Ya verás que algo se enciende de nuevo
Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos
Algo se enciende de nuevo
Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos
Cuando estamos juntos podemos soñar....

Olga and Ramallo was clapping behind me as Vilu was hugging me, but I just couldn't get my eyes off of Angie as she was also looking at me and smiled, but I didn't know what she should be thinking now...

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