Chapter 8 - The meeting: Part 1

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The next morning I literally jumped off the bed as I was so excited to see Angie.... Atleast I truly hoped that I can see her today.

I'm excited, scared and happy at the same time and I don't know what am I gonna do if I see her again. I just want to see her as soon as possible.

I miss her so much and I want to know if she really is over me already, or something actually happened to her that made her get married.

No... This sounds really stupid! She might just got over me and I should be happy for her...

Maybe I shouldn't even come here... I don't know...

Anyway... I ate breakast, after that I took a shower, got dressed and soon I went to Nicolas' house with a taxi.

----- TIME SKIP -----

When I arrived there was a butler outside the house...

- German Castillo? - he asked.

- Yes. I came to meet Nicolas Galan - I replied.

- Mr. Galan is waiting for you. Please, follow me - he said then he opened the door and got inside while I followed him.

He lead me to a library kind of room and told me to wait because he'll get Nicolas here in a minute.

While I was waiting I decided to look around in the bookshelf.

There was a lot of book about different topics: art, novels, poetry and there was some books of how to be a song writer and stuff like that.

And after a while of looking around I suddenly heard someone walking into the room behind me and when I turned around I saw Nicolas coming in.

- I wasn't expecting you to come so fast - he laughed - But glad you did.

- Yeah... - I muttered and we shook hands and sat down.

We started talking about his plans and how to make it happen when the same butler came into the room...

- Need anything, Mr. Galan? - he asked.

- Get us some coffee please - Nicolas replied.

The butler nodded and quickly left.

Then we continued talking for around 10-15 minutes when I heard someone coming into the room again and as I had my back to the door I didn't see who was coming in until I heard a soft voice saying:

- Here is your coffee...

We looked at each other and froze...

- German... - she gasped.

It was Angie.

As soon as I recognized her I couldn't get my eyes off of her. I felt so happy now to see her beautiful face again...

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