Chapter 24 - More secrets

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German's POV:

I kissed her passionately on the lips after we finished singing and she kissed me without hesitation which made me even happier than I was before.

Angie's eyes were sparkling in happiness. Her happiness is my happiness and I feel happier than ever... Because she's my everything and this time I'll do my best to keep her close to me.

When we broke apart Angie looked up at where we saw the count and Nicolas sitting and now it was only the count there, smiling down at us.

I could feel Angie starting to shake, but then I noticed...

- Look... Over there! - I said as I pointed to her right where I saw Nicolas standing with...

Wait, is that the same guy that the count introduced me to at the party. He probably is because there are two police men too.

- Villefort... - Angie muttered - D-Did they...

- Yes! - I cheered as we got off to stage and went to see what's going on.

Meanwhile the count came there too.

- I asked my dear friend to help me get Nicolas arrested - he said while smiling.

- Why?! - Nicolas snapped - I thought we were friends!

- We were... But you're disgust me - the count hissed on the way that actually made everyone shake for a moment.

- Thank you, Villefort... - Angie said while she was hugging tightly onto me.

- Not a problem, MyLady - he replied firmly - This is my job after all and when I heard when he's doing I couldn't just not to pay any attention to it.

- You'll never see him again! - screamed Nicolas in panic - I swear I'll make sure you won't see him again, you bi---

At this moment Angie grabbed him by his collar and since he was handcuffed he couldn't do anything.

- You're late with that... He's with the count already, you asshole.

- You fucking bi---

She now threw him into the police men's arms who took him away and Villefort followed them.

I now turned to Angie who seemed to be starting to calm down completely.

- Angie... Who was he talking about? - I asked her as I was really confused by what I just heard.

- Uhm...

Suddenly the count interrupted.

- Mr. German! I think you and your friend should go home tomorrow and I'll take Angie with me to Buenos Aires, okay?

- B-But...

- German, don't worry... - Angie smiled as she caressed my cheek softly.

I swear I could melt by her touch.

- Nothing bad is going to happen and I'll follow you home... I promise - she said then she kissed me.

- Alright... - I smiled softly back at her - But hurry after us... Because I don't know how long I can stand your absence...

- Aww... - she giggled and blushed slightly - Okay, I'll hurry... Because I want to be with you, Vilu and everyone again... How I used to...

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