Chapter 19 - One more visit

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That night I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep at all.

I couldn't sleep after knowing that Angie in a monster's hands and the hell know what he's doing to her when I'm laying here. I feel so useless... But I'm not giving up that easily!

It's my fault that she's in this situation now and I need to help her get out of it somehow.

But how if she doesn't want any help?

I don't know, but I'm not going anywhere until I find out the answer.

----- TIME SKIP -----

The next day I went to Nicolas' house again for work and after we finished I went to see Angie who was in her room this time.

- Hey... - I smiled from the door - Can I come in?

- Oh! Yeah, sure... - she mumbled and I went to sit down next to her - How did the work go today?

- Work? Ah, uhm... Everything went well, but I'm not here for that...

- No, German... - Angie stuttered as she started shaking a bit - Please, just go before something happens...

I got a hold of her hands and smiled at her to calm her down.

- Don't be scared... - I said - I want to help you... And so does Ramallo, or the count... So please...

- German...

- Angie! You can't stay here... What if next time he'll beat you so bad that you...

I paused for a second before continued.

- I want to he--

- Mr. Castillo! - I suddenly heard Nicolas' voice from behind me - You better get going now. I have some business to do with my wife now.

I looked at Angie worriedly and I felt like this is the time when I have to call the count for help and when I went out of the room I did right away and as I was outside I felt a hand on my arm.

It was him.

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