Chapter 21 - Waiting

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Some more time passed when a doctor came up to us and told us that Angie has been fully treated, but she is not so much in a good shape.

She had really bad injuries from a longer time too and after when Nicolas did to her made everything even more worse and now she's in coma as this was the only way to keep her actually alive at the state.

- Can I see her? - I asked the doc and he nodded and finally let me into her room.

When I got in I couldn't look at her without tearing up in sadness.

Seeing her so lifeless, in a bed is just heart breaking for me and thinking back that it's all my fault makes everything even harder to bear.

I went to sit next to her bed and held her hand gently and kissed it while I was looking at her sleeping face. God... I feel so awful...

I caused this situation to her. She loved me, but I pushed her far far away from me and she ended up in an abusive relationship that might can cost her life.

No, German! Don't think about it!

She'll make it! She'll be fine and I can see her beautiful smile again!

She needs to be fine... I need her... I need her in my life...

- How's she? - asked the count as he came in too after talking to his friend.

- She's sleeping... And I'm just waiting here...

I didn't even look up at him while I said that. I just kept my eyes only on Angie.

The count sighed then sat down behind me on a sofa thing and waited with me... I don't know why though, but I'm glad he stayed here.

----- TIME SKIP -----

A whole day passed and nothing happened and the doctor said if she won't wake up in two days she won't make it.

I didn't know what to do, but I was so depressed. I was depressed and scared that I can't see her beautiful smile again.

I've been sitting in her room since yesterday and I haven't slept a minute as I wanted to see if she wakes up.

I didn't know what to do... So I decided to talk to her...

- Angie... My beautiful Angie... Please wake up... I need you... - I whispered to her while I was holding her hand and caressing it - Please... I know I've made big mistakes... I know I've hurted you badly... But I always loved you... I always loved and I still do and...

Suddenly my speech was cut off by my phone vibrating.

I checked it and it was Priscilla. Just great.

- German! Where are you?! Ramallo said a few days ago that you're on a business trip and now he isn't here either! What's going on?! - she asked and she sounded a but angry too.

- Priscilla, I'm busy so please...

- But German! What about me??

- We're not a couple, Priscilla! Remember that! I don't have to explain anything to you!

Ugh! I was a bit harsh, but I couldn't do anything else since I'm so stressed out that Angie might won't make it that I just couldn't talk to Priscilla calmly.

After I hung up I went back to see Angie and sat back next to her bed.

- Where was I? - I mumbled - Oh yeah...

I then sighed and continued talking to her.

- I love you, Angie... I need you in my life... I'm so lost and if you... If you leave me again... I'm going to die too...

I took a deep, frustrated breath.

- The very first time we met... I heart was beating so fast that I didn't know what to do with it and since that day... That moment... I can't think about anyone else, but you on the way I do...

- German... - I hear Ramallo mumbling behind me.

- What? - I asked, slightly annoyed.

- You need to rest...

- I'm not going anywhere away from her.

- German...

- Please, Ramallo... Just don't...

- Okay, Okay - Ramallo sighed - But tell me right away if something happens!

- I will - I muttered as I was still staring at Angie.

Meanwhile Ramallo left for the night I was left alone in the room with Angie.

Another night passed and I couldn't help falling asleep next to Angie's bed and I had the worst dream I could have.

Dreaming about... I don't even want to say it, but I felt awful...

But all of a sudden I woke up by someone's hand on my cheek...

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