Chapter 25 - Welcome home

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The next morning me and Ramallo headed home and when we arrived we got everything ready for Angie.

Olga and Vilu were so happy when they found out that Angie's coming home and got excited as well, but I still had no idea what Angie was hiding from me the other day.

- Everything's ready? - I asked as I looked around in the house to see if everything is in place.

I just couldn't stay on my butt. I've been annoying Olga, Ramallo, Vilu and everyone, but I couldn't care less.

- Yes, Dad! Everything is in place just as it always is... Don't worry so much - Vilu smiled and hugged me.

- Okay! Okay... I'm just worried... That's all. I don't want her to change her mind...

- She won't - said Ramallo - She promised she won't and she keeps her promises...

- I know - I mumbled and a few minutes later the doorbell rang - She's here! - I gasped.

- Calm down and open the door! - said Vilu and Ramallo at the same time.

I took a deep breath to calm down and went to open the door and it was indeed Angie and I couldn't help, but hug her tightly.

- German... German... - Angie laughed as she hugged me back and when I let go of her Vilu threw herself into her arms happily.

I was just standing there and smiling at the whole scene and when Olga let go of her too I went closer to her and helf her hands.

- I'm so happy that you're here... - I said as I smiled at her - I have missed you so much...

- I've missed you too... And thank you for saving me... - she said and smiled at me while she touched my cheek softly - Without you... I'd still be married to a monster...

- Wait a second... - Ramallo interrupted - So this is why you haven't come with us home!

- Yes, Ramallo - she nodded - The count and Mr. Villefort helped me to divorce from Nicolas as soon as possible so I can come home.

- That's good to hear because I wanted to ask you something - I continued talking again - This is something I wanted to ask you for a long time... But I was a coward and didn't do it.

- What... Is it? - she muttered.

I took a deep breath.

- Angie... I've loved you from the very first moment I saw you in my office, but I was a coward for now admitting it. I wanted to avoid you because I thought it's wrong... Mostly when I found out that you're Maria's sister... But I realized it was a huge mistake and thanks to that I almost lose you... And I don't want to lose you...

I took another deep breath then went on one knee in front of her which caused her to start crying...

- Angeles Carrara... I know it might be early, but... Will you marry me?

- German... - she mumbled while crying - Before... Before I answer I need to tell you something... That I was too scared to tell you earlier...

- What is it?

At this moment Angie let the count in on the door and there was a young boy with him too.

- Mommy! - he smiled when he saw Angie and ran into her arms.

- My boy... - Angie smiled as she hugged him then picked him up and turned to me - His name's Shaun and he's 4 years old...

- Is he... Is he your... - I suttered, still slightly surprised.

- Yes - she nodded.

- Wait... Did you say 4 years old? - I gasped suddenly.

- Yes - she nodded again.

- Mommy, who's this man?? - questioned Shaun while looking at Angie with a really cute confused look on his face.

- Well... - Angie started as she looked at me from the corner of her eyes - The man... We were living wasn't your father...

- That's kinda good - said Shaun which surprised both me and Angie - He hurted you, Mommy! He was a bad man!

- He was... - she mumbled.

- Is he... - I interrupted again - Is he my... My son? - I asked her.

- Yes... - Angie nodded, now crying again - I... I didn't want to tell you... Because I thought you don't deserve to know... But I was wrong...

She was now smiling.

- Angie... - I muttered as I was in shock.

- Do you still... Want me to be your wife? Aftee getting to know this? - she asked.

- Do I want to? I want it even more than before! - I gasped and went on one knee again as now I took out the ring too - I want you to be my wife for the rest of my life! So will you be my wife?

Angie now put Shaun down and came to jump into my arms.

- Yes! Yes, of course! - she cried and so did everyone else around us.

When Angie let go of me I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately on the lips while wrapping my arms around her, not wanting to let go of her ever again.

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