Chapter 12 - The mysterious count

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I was just standing there, in the middle of the street, hopeless and sadder than ever.

Angie ran away from me, but atleast now I'm sure there is something wrong. She's hiding something from me and I'm not giving up until she tells me.

But that can't be what I think... Can it?

No.... Nicolas seems to love her. But then who might be the one that scares her?

- Goddamnit! What am I gonna do? - I sighed deeply.


- What's the matter, Sir? - I suddenly heard deep, male voice behind me which made me jump because I thought I was the only one on the street neaby.

- Ah, Jesus! - I gasped as I turnd around to see a guy with a hat on his head, long hair and a mysterious smile on his face.

- I might look like Jesus, but I'm not - he joked.

All I could do was to smile awkwardly as I didn't know what to say, or do.

- Was that Mrs. Galan who just ran away? - he asked.

- Yeah... - I sighed deeply again.

- Are you German Castillo by any chance?

- Yes! How did you know?

- If you're willing to listen me over then I'll tell you everything.

What could I do at this moment? I decided to go with him to talk since I had nothing else to do today anyway.

----- TIME SKIP -----

This guy offered me to go to his house to talk in private and when we arrived my jaw dropped.

His house was huge! Bigger than mine atleast...

- Who are you? - I gasped when we got out of the car.

- Well... - he smiled at me then held his hand out - My name is Edmond Dantes... But people know me as the count of Monte Cristo.

- I see... - I muttered as we shook hands - I'm guessing officially I should call you count, huh...

- Exactly - he nodded - Now... Let's go in!

Inside he lead me to one of the rooms and called his servant to bring something to drink and when the servant left he began.

- So what happened exactly? - he asked - But firstly tell me what kind of relationship you and Angeles had before?

- Well... This is a but complicated...

- I know it is. I've talked to her before about this.

- Then why do you ask me?

- Because I want to know the story from your point of view as well - the count said on a serious tone so I decided to tell him everything.

I told him all about the beginning, how I fell in love with her and then how I messed everything up with her.

- Hm... Interesting - he said - So you basically came here to see her, didn't you?

- Yeah... Because I still love her and I want to know if everything's alright with her... But after today's meeting I'm sure that there is something wrong...

- Do you think Mr. Galan abusing her?

- I... I don't know... Maybe...

- Hmm...

- But he seemed to be talking so nicely to her the last time I was there...

- That's just playing - the count said firmly.

- Huh?

- I know who he is. He had some problems before with the law.

- What?! What kind of problems?!

- I don't want to say anything that I'm not so sure about...

- Tell me! - I demanded and I even stood up to this.

- Well... It was around 17 years ago when he had a wife... And he was hurting her whenever he was drunk, or there was something that he didn't like...

I fell bad on the sofa where I was sitting.

- But again... - he continued - I don't want to say anything for sure because I don't know. I was asking Angeles about it, but she would never tell me the truth, or simply she'd change the subject instead.

- I... I see... But we need to find out what's going on! Who knows what he's doing to her!!

- Calm down Mr. Castillo - he cut me off - People like him has power. And power means he can get out of every kind of trouble. But it wasn't like this before...

- But... But there isn't anyone that can help??

- There might be... - he mumbled, seeming to be thinking about something - But for now you stay calm, or try to make her speak. If you want I can help, but then you need to listen to me.

- Okay... - I nodded.

I didn't even know anything about him except his name, but I trusted him. I felt like he really want to help me... But mostly Angie... So I decided to work together with him...

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