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Hello everyone, as I said in my last work I have something else in my mind which I was working on, it was in progress when some issues came up here about copyright. I'm a lawyer and I live in a country with no proper respect or laws about copyright, I already had more than enough cases in that scope which teach me the importance of it too well. First time I read some conversation about the same issue here I recalled my own work! Not that I intentionally copied anybody else's work but I already read all relative one since past year so it was possible to use some ideas without even remembering the real source! I read it back and still don't find any, but for my new work it has similarity with others' works. Honestly I didn't read another work and decided "oh that's a good idea let copy it for my own" but I can't say when I was writing this new one I didn't already read others, maybe I used some ideas but I'm assured copying wasn't my intention. Really, where the ideas come? Aren't our minds combined of every little bit of our life and our own reading books aren't a part of that life? They said to be a good writer you need to read a lot, so it doesn't mean reading others' work, teaching you, guiding you, encouraging you and even giving you new ideas?

The originality of a work is about the main core, fan fics don't have that! The characters are all taken, the base event too. So I never decline to write a book! I don't own the character, I saw a movie once and it drag me out of my too busy and not fun days, I like it, even in my opinion the editor of the movie was more talented than the writer of the book, the movie was what I seek, the main sacrifice was what Feng Jiu did, she didn't ask to be above everything else, once I saw another movie where the male character encourage the female: "why is it your fault? Aren't everybody sacrifice everybody else to rescue they loved one?" which was true but not right, at least not in my mind. So when I saw Dong Hua and Feng Jiu in eternal love I sighed in relief "finally" I was so attracted to them that to show my gratitude for all enjoyment I get, decide to write them another chance. Then I enjoy that too so I want to share more, but before I find the chance it was a mess here talking about copying, I think about it, sure my current work has some similarity, should I write it all over? Even if I do am I able to forget all I read since now and write a total original work? The answer to both was "no" so I decide to share this long preface before publishing any chapter.

Just few more words and I'm done! I want to thanks other authors and say I'm not stealing anything, if you find any same parts it wasn't my attend to copy them for myself and all the right will be for the first one who thought it!

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now