more goodbyes

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How long has it been since her last letter? She really enjoyed torturing him, otherwise why should she suddenly demand her 10 days of a year and write to him for 9 hundred years just to drop it.

At first he thought she will come back, that she can't stay away from him for too long, maybe one or two century, but it ends up she really can keep on with her life without him very well. Near one thousand years ago she sent her last letter and informed him of her leave, thank so many friends of her, he knew she was fine and live happily in her lands, keep traveling and every time make more friends.

He remembered her last letter, at least she gave a proper notice and a period of time to get ready. In their last ten days she started her letters with goodbye.

He remembered that day so obvious, maybe if he wasn't this stubborn and instead of supporting her decision asked her to not leave him alone again, now he still had her not only her memories and his regret. Well she was right, only words weren't enough anymore but compared to current situations it was a total blessing.

Bringing out her last letters he read them all over again:

"Dijun it seems it's always only me who fight, I fall for you and made you to kiss me, then I left but find a way to stay in touch and made you to write to me, but when I told you the marriage proposals are arriving again you told I should marry one of them, again. Dijun I told you I'll find a way and asked you to stay with me but you never shown any interest, I'm tired of being the only one who try.

When I asked you to write to me I really was missing you and just have your words seemed enough but not anymore, I want to see you and have you by my side but you not try, you not want the same, so let stop bothering each other, it's our last year, next year I'll not write to you."

He didn't answer her first note, and she send another one without any trace of her decision, they kept sending note and he thought she only was upset, he thought not showing reaction it's the best way, but it wasn't.

Now it was more than nine decade and there was no trace of her. He kept his palace shout down in their promises 10 days in hope of her letter which not happened. His palace has her trace everywhere. The drawing was of a little nine tailed red fox, the brushes was made of her fur, the drawer full of her letters, his bed marking with her paw, his garden full of her favorite flowers and trees, his tea set making by both and coloring by her, even his rob was replaced with her handmade, how he was supposed to forget her? Now that he thought about it, her place had nothing of him, just his very less words on paper and nothing else. He should send her some staff, but insist on sending her to her life with other guy.

The only thing he gave her was the bells. The same day he brought her back to taichan palace and promised to protect her even from himself, he gave her the bells and asked her to keep it with herself always, which she honored and kept since then.

If he knows her well she is trying to find a way for themselves and when she failed she will return, it wasn't her first time after all, her first time was when she sneaks in his room in the middle of night and told she is scared and can't sleep, after all these years still he couldn't think of something to scare her in his palace, but she is more innocent than he can believe she sneak in his room to seduce him. maybe one day he asks her. That night He was deep sleep after a long trip with his little fox around the heaven, she made them to stay outside for 6 days, she asked him to make fire and cook some vegetable on it as their meals. She even insists to lay on the open space on ground and enjoy the view together, then told she is cold and turning to her fox form lay on his chest.

She was so playful of course he knows that, he even accepted her wish for them to go around the heaven and enjoy the views but not to stand out for several days, even when he was in the battlefield he always slept inside, his bed always ready and meal always warm. Not that he couldn't bare other way, it's just he never had to experience and his loyal circle of people never let him to, but now his little fox wants to experiences the nights of heaven which he granted for her, but even after she finally accept to get back to Taichen Palace she found her way to his room, she told she had a nightmare which he abandoned her and she is so scare to sleep alone, she insist to stay the night in his room and when he reject her wish start to cry, now he was remembering that, he thought maybe she was poisoned, that acts didn't suit her at all, well he take her back to her own room and put her under sleep spell, the next day she told she will find a way, she was so angry with him, she accused him to be too cold and heartless and told she will find a way to win him over.

He should admit she get her nerve of his father and grandfather, she is so sweet most of the time but when something went against her wish she got so angry and upset down everything, this time too. She left suddenly and is seeking a way, at least he hopes that.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now