Duel for me

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Dijun was confused, their situation wasn't anything like what fox queen told him before, she once told Zhe Yan and her husband were about to fight but she arrived and lucky for them she mated Bai Zhi, after that Zhe Yan stopped his acts too. But here there was his little fox, when they were waiting for her to charmed people around and even were ready to deal with that she didn't, and now after mating him, in one hour she charmed 5 different guy, the situation was bothering him deeply. Is she not like him anymore? Can she fell out of love and start to charm others? Or is it her red fox magic? He decides to call for fox queen, but first he need to punish these men whom were after his empress.

Meanwhile Siming and Zhong Lin already start their sword fight. sixth, One of Mo Yuan's disciple intend to involved but Mo Yuan stopped him: when you have several enemies instead of fighting with all let them fight with each other then you only have to handle remain one.

Fulling his cup Dijun commented: it's a very good advice indeed, little fox remember that.

Feng Jiu nods her head watching poor acts of Siming and Zhong Lin, they were at the same level so the fight went on for too long until both reached each other's neck and with Dijun's wave of hand both vanished: I sealed them in separate rooms in Taichen palace.

Feng Jiu: good idea, Dong Hua it's a blessing that you don't need someone to protect you, as your closest guys how they can be this awful?

Dijun gave her a look, she was right, what he could tell her.

Feng Jiu smiled and leaned to his arm to watch the rest, two students of Mo Yuan start changing sword moves, they were much better than the last couple, Feng Jiu gasp when saw one sword targeting the other one chest, Dijun wait until the very end to interfere and vanishing the loosed one, "Dong Hua you really take your time, what if one of them really get hurt? I will feel guilty for the rest of my life" Feng Jiu told feeling worry for two remain men, but Dijun didn't like her concern. "little fox don't you think you should feel guilty toward your husband because of charming other guys?"

She was agreeing with him, so leaning closer looked his face with love in her eyes and whispered: no matter what the magic have to say, I choose you long before.

He felt a little better so show offed his rare smile. Not much away Lian Song was in the nearest point of going crazy, he felt disappointment that he can't watch the two scene at the same time, here Dong Hua and Feng Jiu were talking and sharing the information he madly wanted to know, and there was the son of heavenly father fighting with his student to get the attention of the empress of Taichen palace. He turned his head to Mo Yuan and heard him: twelfth just leave and don't make me to beat you.

twelfth: shifu I'm not leaving her highness as long as I'm breath.

Feng Jiu gave an innocently smile to Dijun whom moved in his place anxiously, Mo Yuan waited for his student to attack first but the difference between the two of them was so obvious, Dijun knew this too, as much as he was angry at them still he couldn't let the son of heavenly father kill his student, so he vanished them both before any real movement happened but froze at Feng Jiu's words: why you sent them away? Shouldn't you fight with the winner? "Dong Hua you not even like me as much as them." She told heartbroken.

"do you really want me to fight with Mo Yuan little fox?" Dijun asked while watched Feng Jiu attentively.

Feng Jiu: well I heard a lot about how legendary your sword ability is, also I heard not a lot of alive gods can effort your moves, Mo Yuan is one of them but surely he would not fight with you in his full mind, I just want to see how magnificent my husband is. beside wasn't you about to send him to nothingness, how some sword dancing is bad now?

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now