Settling down

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Zhe Yan stands beside Bai Zhen looking at four nine tails fox, as three purple tried their best to catch the silver one.

"I can understand the red fox, I even can accept the silver one, but purple? I can't get it, how is that even possible?"

Bai Zhen asked his husband, he had a difficult time accepting the appearance of his little nieces, three baby girl fox with purple fur, they still hadn't a human form, so no one could guess what their look will be.

When Gun Gun was borne he had silver fur, Feng Jiu was happy, she hoped her son will be like his father, but Dong Hua wished the opposite, the memories of his little fox when she told him "he should have married and had several sons just like himself" was still fresh, he knew if their son be like himself Feng Jiu's attention will shift to him, but no matter how much he wished for it, Gun Gun end up look like him.

But he only was worry about Feng Jiu's attention until Zhe Yan give them a visit and called Gun Gun's looks, Dong Hua's karma. Old phoenix said since he was unfair toward war god and sealed him he will see his son in same look with himself running after Mo Yuan.

Although he soon had to drop the case, watching the beautiful trees of peach blossoms turning to ashes -this time Feng Jiu was angry too- Bai Zhen asked him to stopped with his teasing.

Gun Gun was a smart and good behave child, not much like his parents, this much all were agree with, but he gets after who was a puzzle, like Ye Hua once told there was no one as good behave in fox clan as Gun Gun. Well the result was that everyone wanted to have the boy by their side, surprisingly even Dong Hua, the father and son bond between them was so tied but of course no matter how much he liked his son he should have his private time with his wife too so Gun Gun had free times to spend with his other relatives and he prefer his grand fourth uncle and his husband than others.

Once Gun Gun find his way to Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen house when he was 300 years old and in his disappoint found there empty, later when he asked where they were Zhe Yan told they were meeting an old friend of him.

Gun Gun: I thought father is your only old friend, is there anyone else?

Zhe Yan answered mindlessly, calling Dong Hua his old friend from his son was interesting: your father, grant father, me and Mo Yuan use to be close long time ago.

Gun Gun: who is Mo Yuan?

Zhe Yan: "the god of war and master of Kunlun munition, he also is your uncle Ye Hua's twin brother and heavenly father's son"

"then why I never heard of him before?" Zhe Yan almost jumped in his place hearing Gun Gun's question, he forgot, Dong Hua forbid them to talk about Mo Yuan with Gun Gun before he be old enough to understand the matter. He sighed and thought now that the cat was out let have some fun at least, "you should ask your father about that" and sure Gun Gun asked him because the next day Zhe Yan had to left his woods looking for Bai Zhen in his lands and ask him to live with him there for a while.

Zhe Yan thought it's going to be only for a while but in reality it took two hundred years for them to return to ten miles of peach blossoms and it was because Feng Jiu was pregnant again so they asked him to return. He felt offended that they didn't ask for him sooner, "if you attack my forest again I will not help you in the feature again" he told before examine Feng Jiu's pulse and heard a mutter like "hmm" of Dong Hua, Feng Jiu was smiling, she decided to not come between two old friend and wait for them to settle their matters by themselves, which was the reason it took this long.

"honesty why you always come after my trees?" Zhe Yan wanted for them to back to normal, it was obvious, Feng Jiu's smile grew wider.

"Feng Jiu like her fourth uncle so much, I thought if something happens to you he will be sad so she will be sad too, but if you prefer face to face fights be my guest" Dong Hua answered staring at him.

"but little Jiu love my forest too" he answered informing.

"I need a replacement then, your wine cellar, it is" he heard Dong Hua's whisper and jumped: don't dare to touch them.

Dong Hua stared at him like he was choosing his next option, "then you can try and don't make me angry" he finally told, he wanted to heal the relationship too.

"but to be honest it's a great achievement to make you angry, others thought no one dare to make you angry but the truth is no one can make you, you are far indifferent to be mad" Zhe Yan get a half smile with his words and they back to be normal finally.

Bai Zhen called him several times to bring him to present, "I think your niece and her husband trick, as much as I know purple isn't an original color so it can't be the color of furs either, but you know that couple, they used to trick, to be honest the sigh of those four fox are the biggest trick itself" Zhe Yan answered smiling, "actually I was thinking, little Jiu wasn't like other of you and then they done a lot of unregularly things too, so it's quite possible for their children to not have that fox magic at all" he continued and watched hope finding its way to Bai Zhen eyes, after Feng Jiu they all were agree that even if their magic have great uses still without it life can be easier. They watched Gun Gun guiding his sisters to their home failing of course, girls went after Feng Jiu very much, taking care of them was hardest thing to do.

Gun Gun felt exhausted, he wanted to shout and ask his grand fourth uncle for help who was standing there smiling while he had to take care of his three baby sister, one of them was enough but three, still as long as they were three he could manage it, if needed he capture one tail of each in his mouth and drag them behind himself to their home, or turning back to his human form capture two by neck and put one in his sleeve, not that he harmed them, they bit him a lot that he finally choose to use some force too, anyway he could take care of them but the second a eight tails red fox joined them it was his end. Every time his mother joined the play he could find his father some place near smiling and shouting warning gaze to him to not do anything that upset his mother, that was madness, he scape the play as soon as possible. Today too, he was about to catches little foxes to their home when saw the red eight tails running to them and encouraging baby girls to another round of play, he could sense his father's eyes on himself and turning back to his human form walked to Zhe Yan and his uncle.

"I will never believe what books say ever again" they heard the tired voice of Gun Gun.

"why that?" his uncle asked smiling at the view in front of him, now Feng Jiu was running after her daughters trying to win! She used to be the speediest fox of the clan but her daughters steal that phrase of her.

"well if they were true my father should be the alive legend, the ancient god, the powerful and indifferent ruler, but every time it come to mother he become anything besides indifferent and powerful. Also my mother should be the queen of Ching Chu and the empress of him but she is nothing like a queen right now" Gun Gun answered still bother with the true faces of his parents.

"what you read isn't lie, what you see is the truth of being in love" Zhe Yan told putting his hand on his shoulder, "one day you will understand it for yourself my dearest young prince" he continued smiling at his confused face.

In front of them four fox end their match when they get to Dong Hua who knelt down and putting red fox on his lap caressed the purples ones' fur with other hand, silver hairs deity seems settle down very well.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now