Calling in her favor

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He was lost in their shared memories when the third letter appeared. Smiling all his face opened it:
“Dijun I was about to leave the room after my second letter to keep going with my so peaceful day when it comes to me why we are not being writing to each other all these times?
To be honest I understand you but at the same time I'm not. Let's think about our situation all over again.
I'm a nine tail fox. I have magic. I'm mate. I only mate single people who aren't in love. When the process begins until I find my mate others who see me will fall under the spell. I already love you. I definitely will mate you.
You are single. You are not in love with somebody else. You love me. You will be under spell. You removed your chance of love. You can't be with someone.
If I mate you we want to consummate. If we consummate we'll see some consequences.
Dijun there are so many different things that make me believe what you are afraid of, will not happen. First I still didn't feel anything like what my aunt and grandmother told me, and I'm a red fox too, so there is a chance for us that I never mate like others, like now which no one is under my magic. Even if you fall under spell and I mate you I believe you can handle that, you are so powerful. or I do mate you do you really think we can't effort the magic?  We can be in love but not consummate it.
Dijun so many things should go in the worst possible way so what you are afraid of, happens, but I understand the risk and you. You don't want to risk that, but I really miss you. I miss the days we shared together. My understanding was until now. If what I was told is true, then we need to see each other to make future events happen, but it doesn’t mean we can’t write. Dijun I demand my ten days of a year with you. I want that back, or accept my wish, receive and answer my letter during that exact time or I will find my way to your chambers and mate you in any means necessary so you have to do as I wish, even consummate with me.”
Dijun stared at the paper in his hand, his little fox lost her patient after all. She always keeps her words, so she will come to him if he does not answer her, beside he missed her too and the writing idea wasn't bad after all.
Feng Jiu jumped from happiness, Dijun sent her an answer, she won! Opening the roll paper she saw very few words:
"ok little fox, let's have it your way. Ten days a year and I answer"
Feng Jiu: Dijun if you thought by writing this few you will be free of me, you are so mistake, I know you are a man of few words
Dijun get her answer, smiling write back: you know me too well little fox
Feng Jiu: ofcourse. Your heart is mine, how can I not understand it?
Dijun felt warm all around his body, he really did miss her, receiving her notes wasn't like having herself but it was the best he could ask for: Tell me about your days little fox.
Feng Jiu: Dijun, should I be worried that you didn't admit my words?
Dijun: you already know the answer.
Feng Jiu: it's been so long since you told it, my memory isn't that good
Dijun: Well then I need to remind you occasionally.
Feng Jiu: good idea
Feng Jiu waits for several minutes but get no more letters: Dijun I'm still waiting
Dijun: wait for what little fox
Feng Jiu want to rushed to his place and spank him, he was teasing her again, good he sent another note
Dijun: yes little fox you have my heart
Feng Jiu smiled and wrote back: my days are too buzzy, but not that much to ease me of thinking about you. Yesterday I had a lot to….

So many years later and Ching Chu's people used the absence of their little princess on specific days, 10 dayd a year she shot herself in her room and couldn't be troubled. First time when Migu severally tried to bring her out for some issue and she threatened to burn him in the kitchen instead of woods if he distracted her again. Some years later Zhe Yan tried to do the same to tease her and to everybody 's surprise Feng Jiu didn't talk to him for more than 5 hundred until the phoenix god promised to guard her room for her since then, and he did. Every year he put up a privacy field for her to not be distracted again.
If Feng Jiu's reaction seemed too much, Dijun's was way too much. It's been said the former ruler didn't allow anyone to enter his chambers, no matter the issue or the subject. Once Mu Yuan went to him for an urgent matter as he declined, he found Dijun's chambers shut with no way in so he sent a letter insisting on the importance of the talk but in his disbelief Dijun didn't react. He sent the second one telling the peace need his guardian again didn't get any answer, he waited for 6 days until Dijun came out and told if the peace needed it's guardian you must be at the work not here disturbing me. After that no one dared to seek a meeting with Dijun in his times with her highness.
But no matter how much they like to write to each other they kept that promise of only 10 days a year, once Feng Jiu tried to broke that plan and failed after that they both honored it, she remember that days very well, after her second visit to heaven when before she left she ask Dijun to call for her sooner than the next year, he didn’t answer at time and she keep waiting for his invitation, she wait for whole year but not he sent for her not even her friends came to meet her, she was so pissed off that didn’t want to go to his place again but as future queen had to honor her words:
Dijun was in his front yard when Feng Jiu arrived, she bowed and called him teacher before standing aside in silence. He couldn’t help himself to not smile, she really likes to make an entrance, last year she ran to him in her fox form and licked all over her face even told she missed him and now she bows and stays in silence. “let see what she is up to this time” Dijun thought before standing up and leaving for his study chamber which Feng Jiu followed in silence.
Feng Jiu saw Dijun seating beside his desk and bringing out some books, she thought those are for her but in her surprise he start to reading and didn’t mind her at all, she stayed at his present for whole day without talking a word, until he rias and left for his bedchamber again in silence, she bowed and left to her own room too. The next day went the same, and the third day too. She lost all her interest and was about to leave at the middle of the night on the fourth day but when she came out of her room saw Dijun in front of her room-door. Rising his eyebrow he asked in his indifferent voice: leaving so soon?
Feng Jiu: I didn’t come to learn how stay silent
Dijun: you come to learn whatever I teach you
Feng Jiu: And are you teaching me silence?
Dijun: I’m teaching you how to be patient, as a ruler you must learn that.
Feng Jiu: As a teacher shouldn’t you keep your words?
Dijun: And which promise did I break?
Feng Jiu: you didn’t send for me
Dijun: I never told I will
Feng Jiu: I was waiting for you
Dijun: I’m sorry if I make you to wait, but it was never my attend to send for you sooner than your regular visit
Feng Jiu: why not?
Dijun: because you should learn how to be patient
Feng Jiu: I really don’t like you Dijun
Dijun sighed before answering: it’s okay, you don’t have to like me as long as you follow my instruction
Feng Jiu went back to her room without telling anything else, but her heart was at pain, she thought they should find peace so she changed to her fox form and went to his room, it was almost morning but he was still awake, sensing her entrance called for her to join him in his bed.
He pulled her closer and started smoothing her fur: little fox I miss you, can’t you stop being mad at me?
Feng Jiu raised her little fox face and stared at his, his eyes seemed sad, maybe he did have his own reasons, after all he told he missed her, wasn’t it kind of apologizing? Changing to her human form she sat at the corner of his bed and waited for him to sit up too: Dijun I can’t bear your silent way with myself, I used to feel your warm look. If I accept to only get 10 days of a year will you always stay warm toward me?
Dijun looked at her a little more before answering: yes little fox, the only ten days of warm look of mine will be yours, always.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now