last step

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"grandmother" Feng Jiu almost shout in happiness, Dijun was mad at her, he told he knew it's not her fault but still he was mad, he keeps teasing her, she felt guilty too, why should she put them under magic right after that she broke the seal? before their marriage she was free for too long without a victim, so why now? she felt bad, can it be she don't love Dijun as much as she thought? Dijun told he didn't fall under spell because he already loved her but what if it was her fault. what if she didn't mate him completely? thanks heaven her grandmother was here, maybe she could give them some answers.

"little Jiu what happened that your husband sent the heaven's third prince to bring me here?" her grandmother asked.

"umm" was all she could answer.

Dijun: we need your help with something.

Fox queen: what is it?

Feng Jiu saw their waiting gaze at herself, she sighed loudly: grandmother I just put five people under spell, including the god of war.

Fox queen: how is that possible, aren't your power already seal?

Feng Jiu: I broke it.

"what?" shouted jumping on her feet: Dijun what is she talking about?

Dijun: you know your granddaughter, after her threaten on giving her life to getting a love life for me her last act was this, to dagger herself in heart, cut her tail and broke the seal at her powers.

Feng Jiu: Dong Hua, you are so shameless, why you saying like it was wrong what I did?

Dijun: because it was wrong, do you know what kind of danger you put yourself in? it's a miracle that you are fine, what if something happened to you?

Before Feng Jiu answered her angry and worry husband her grandmother ask them to explain what is exactly going on.

Seeking advice from others never was Dong Hua's thing, more than that, sharing his life, private life. but since he met his little fox he slowly learned that even he doesn't know everything, maybe in other issues he knows the answer better than others but in the matter of love and family life he was so new. He accepted the matter long ago, still informing fox queen, his grandmother in law, about their life needed a lot of his nerve.

Feng Jiu felt Dong Hua's hesitations, she smiled and took his hand: grandmother how did you notice that you mate grandfather?

Fox queen: it was a strong and different sense, I believe I never can forget how it was; the second that our eyes met each other I felt my most favorite things all together, like I was seeing and smelling them, my favorite color, my favorite smell... letter your grandfather told that he sensed the same, and again with you father and mother, so I think you mate the person who recalls you all your favorites.

Feng Jiu felt her heart lightened by her grandmother's words, she pressed dong Hua's hand and smiled warmly, he was smiling too, it made her even more happy, he felt it too, she wanted to know what are his favorite things but first she had a more important question: is it possible to feel this way then charmed other people?

Fox queen: as much as I know it's impossible. but you were different since the begin, you sealed your powers and got married without mating, now you say you broke your seal, I think nothing is impossible in your case.

Feng Jiu told her what she did three days ago and what happened after that. Dijun frowned as he saw fox empress laughing, his situation wasn't funny, there were five men yearning for his wife and he couldn't kill them at once, well at least he couldn't kill one of them. He asked her if she has any solution, "I have a theory" she answered which was better than nothing. He asked her to share her thoughts, "I think you should consummate your marriage."

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now