enchant now, really?

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Lian Song watch as Siming and Zhong Lin start arguing with each other, Siming: your highness I desperately love you, I promise to keep you happy and safe.

Zhong Lin: your highness don't listen to him, he lived all his life writing sad endings for those poor mortals, how he can give you a happy life. Your highness you should be with me; I know how to satisfy every needs of yours.

Lian song: what's the matter with two of you? Feng Jiu is Dijun's empress. How can you say this nonsense?

Like he increases the heat, both shout their rejection. Siming: how that old rock can be good for her highness, he doesn't deserve her, I never let him have her highness.

Zhong Lin: for once you told something meaningful, I'm with you in that.

Lian Song really didn't know what was going on there but he thought he must get Dijun, since his two loyal guys are chasing his wife. Turning toward Feng Jiu he asked her to not let them out of her eye sides before vanishing toward Dijun's study chambers in hope to find him. He had to search several places to finally find him in the library.

Dijun turned to face the third prince whom without his usual playful acts bowed and asked his company back to Feng Jiu's courtyard. Hearing Feng Jiu's name, Dijun's eyes filled with worry: what's the matter with my wife?

Three days ago, after what she did he brought unconscious Feng Jiu back to their palace and asked Zhe Yan to take care of her wounds, he gave her medicine to decrees her pain and bandaged her wounds, she injured herself badly but they weren't irrecoverable except for her tail that can't be replaced; and since she was the first nine tails fox that ever done such a silly thing Zhe Yan wasn't sure what the consequences can be, they have to wait for her to wake up for more treatment. She was sleep for three days and Dijun was with her for the time being, he was mad at her, she shouldn't harm herself this way but more than that what make her to think about sacrificing her spirit, he needs to talk with her seriously this time, but as much mad he still was worry too so he left her an hour a go to find some useful information about eight tails fox, if ever anyone hear something like that before.

Lian Song dragged him out of his thoughts: I really don't know, I was looking for Cheng Yu and suspecting that maybe she is visiting her injured friend I went to Feng Jiu's place but instead of sad Cheng Yu accompanying her slept and injured friend I find Siming and Zhong Lin trying to steal your wife's attention.

Lian Song told while they were walking, hearing his words Dijun felt anger covering up all over his body which in result the ground started to freeze as they walked their way. Lian song shaved in fear, thanks heaven they reached Feng Jiu's place before Dijun kills him out of his anger.

They walked in and instead of two guys saw five, fighting over his little fox. What on the earth is Mo Yuan doing here, and why Feng Jiu isn't resting? He just left her side to catch some scroll and look at what she ended up in.

Feng Jiu saw Dijun walking in with third prince and smiled at him, she was mad too but also very happy, Mo Yuan noticed her smile and shouted out: my princess why you smile at someone else while I'm here?

Dijun looked at him in disbelief, does he just talk to his little fox that way? Before he could cut his tongue the second one talked: shifu how dare you to call her highness yours. she obviously will choose me, I'm much younger and love her the best.

"what is going on here little fox?" Dijun asked Feng Jiu while settling his arm around her shoulder protectively. He felt Feng Jiu's move to avoid his embrace and stares with half-shut eyes, "I'm mad at you Dong Hua, if you weren't this stubborn we could be together much sooner" she informed him and heard his angry "hmm"

Feng Jiu looked up and captured his angry gaze with herself, refusing to lose the battle she kept her angry eyes at him and heard his annoyed tone: "I'm mad too little fox, you injured yourself deeply and like that's not enough you wanted to give away your life, you really don't have any faith in your husband, I never fooled you, that day you confused me with your sweet acts that I couldn't find the right words and you just catch them in air and disappeared, left me behind again."

Feng Jiu felt guilty, just a little of course, bending her head at her neck she watched him from between of her eyelashes and whispered: call it even?

He sighed, when she was looking at him this beautifully how he can stay mad at her, closing his eyes once he whispered back: call it even.

She smiled happily again and make the audience to shout again which Dijun silenced with a wave of his hand and asked her about the scene again.

Feng Jiu sighed: they all fell under spell the second they saw me.

Dijun turned his face between the group and Feng Jiu several times before answering: how is that possible? Aren't you already mate me?

Feng Jiu: I don't know Dong Hua, I just woke up and couldn't see you came out to search for you and Zhong Lin was already here, he looked at me and before even bowing he told he is in love with me. 

First I thought he really was in love and just wanted to confess his feelings but then Siming came in and again he saw me and asked me to accept his feelings and marry him. Then Lian song came and thankfully didn't fall in love instead tried to talk reasons with them before coming for you.

I was thinking about the situation and what I should do when Mo Yuan and his disciples came, he stared at me for several moments before calling me his precious fox and tell he was waiting for me since he born, he wasn't ended his confession when you two entered.

Dijun looked at his empress with fire in his eyes, she was playing with him obviously, otherwise she didn't need to share all these details, raising up an eyebrow he teased her in return: so you called it even because you already made the next trouble little fox?

He watched Feng Jiu's face turning red in embarrass and anger eagerly before calling for Lian Song "Lian Song shut the doors and sent everybody else out" he told Lian song who bowed and left to do the order, the show in front of him was perfect, he should come back soon.

While Lian song was emptying the place Dijun looked Feng Jiu in sad eyes: little fox it seems you are tired of me and happy with your new admirers but no way that I lose you, let send these guys to nothingness before they steal you from me.

Looking in his eyes Feng Jiu noticed he is serious, asking for his mercy wasn't a good idea now. To be honest if someone comes and proposes to Dijun in front of her, she wants the person vanished too so she needs to ease his anger in another way: Dong Hua how can I be tired of you after all we got through with each other? I just get you completely. What do you think about us just sitting and watching them fighting? It's a good punishment, don't you agree?

Dijun looked lost in his thoughts: little fox are you that bored that you want to sit and watch god of war fighting with his disciples to get your attention?

Feng Jiu blushed, now that he put it in those words it doesn't seem nice to herself either. But it must be enough for Dijun who forget sending them to nothingness, to her good luck Lian Song and Cheng Yu choose the exact same moment to enter and hearing Dijun's words he told: Dijun the god of war was after your empress, don't you think watching his fight is a medium punishment?

Cheng Yu: but as he isn't the guilty one since it's Feng Jiu whom spelled him I think it's a fair punishment.

Dijun nodded in approval and summoning some cushions helped Feng Jiu to sit beside himself before conjuring tea, Lian song and Cheng Yu sat with them too, enjoying a very rare scene in front of themselves. 

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now