The peaceful days for court

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Lian Song look around, these days courts was worse than what it was before Feng Jiu's arrive all that thousands years before. Several days ago Feng Jiu told them she will not come any more, she felt guilty toward Dijun and decide to leave the heaven for him, but he didn't come out of his place yet.

Finally the court was end, Lian Song find Siming with Cheng Yu out of the place and reached them.

Siming: Cheng Yu told Feng Jiu already write to Dijun, I thought he will come to today court.

Lian Song: I really miss the days both of them were here.

Cheng Yu: I was thinking about her first time in heaven do you remember after her first attend to court?

After Feng Jiu's first appearance in court Tian Jun asked if Ching Chu's princess returned without attending to another court or announcing her leave which Dijun nod to Siming to answered. turning color of white to red then purple: her highness told since she has to wear that bothering fantasies dresses she will not attend to court again.

Tian Jun: she didn't have to but it could be a sign of respecting our rules.

Siming bowing: Dijun assured her highness about that but princess insist on not following a bad rule doesn't send it away, the rule must be edited not the people get an exception.

Using Dijun's name Tian Jun has no other choice than stay silence so he turned to his third son and asked him where he been in last days, Dijun recalling Feng Ju's resent words answered instead of Lian Song: he was in Taichen Palace. my little fox enjoys to have some company and she choose Lian song same as Cheng Yu and Siming.

That day Feng Ju asked Dijun to take care of them for her: Dijun please take care of them in today court. I will feel awful if heaven lord attacks them to get back to me.

He couldn't let her feet bad so he answered Tian Jun but the second he used the "my little fox" frame he like it very much and felt warm all over his chest which speed up his heart beat.

while he was thinking about his new feelings others were surprise and confuse. Lian Song smiled noticing a shine in Dijun's eyes, well it seemed old god finally get some of his feelings.

The next day of that court Feng Jiu's first 10 days of visit ended and she returned to Ching Chu, she had a good time so she asked Dijun if she can come sooner than next year but Dijun told he will not be around for a while so they should keep their past appointment.

Dijun left his palace without any explanation and only return two days before Feng Jiu's next visit.


Finally it was time for her next visit; she was so excited this time. Last year she didn't know what she will see but it ended up quite enjoying even if she didn't like heavenly people in public, still she found some very good friends there and of course it was Dijun too, that handsome old god with all his knowledge, hidden smiles and less words.

She planned to went there first thing in morning but was take back with some works so sent words that she will be late, when she manages to escape out of fox cave it was already night in Ching Chu, she saw Zhong Lin waiting for her at the entrance of heaven to guide her to Dijun who was standing in front of the exact same lake waiting for her. Seeing him that way make Feng Ju's heart beat in happiness and before think it twice she changed for her fox form and run to Dijun.

Dijun turned and saw little red fox running toward him and suddenly jumped for him, he got her and bring her to his arms tried to caresses her fur but she starts to motion in his arms, trying to reach his face, she rubbed her face to his hand then his chest, she put her little hand to his chest and reach for his face, licking his neckline then his ear. She was going for his lips when he finally managed to gather her in his arms again, laughing at her playful mode: little fox aren't you a little over reacting?

She still tried to get back to his neck again when he didn't let her she used one of her tails this time, she reached her tail to his face and caresses his chicks with it, Dijun: little fox are you attend to use your magic on me?

Feng Ju drop her tail suddenly and stare up to his eyes, she looked so innocent in that moment, staring wide in his eyes which make him to caresses her face, smiling told: it's alright little fox, even if you want to.

Feng Ju tried to jumped out of his arms, she felt getting wrong but Dijun didn't let her out, since she began the play now he wants to get his own share. Keeping her in his arms Dijun head to his chambers.

Dijun didn't let her go and she decline to change back to her human form, she was carried in Dijun arms to his bed chamber where he put her down on the grand and lay on his bed. she climbed up at his bed too, lying next to him she hugged herself with her tails groaning loud closed her eyes and sleep in peaceful face, didn't even care for his gaze which was settle on her since she climbed the bed, chuckling Dijun bring her closer and closed his eyes too, Feng Ju move toward him beat by beat until reach his body yet didn't stop, she first put her head on his arm then again start moving to finally settled her head under his neck, conjuring her tails around herself which end up on side of Dijun face and chest as well.

Dijun watched her movement in amusement and when finally she set up what she wants, he shook his head and fell sleep as well.

Next day Dijun teased her actions but she simply replied that she was missed him, little she knew what done to him with her answer. Dijun lived the past year in seclusion in hope to rearrange his previous peaceful mind, he was thinking about fox princess all the time, he thought if she came to his place he gets back his indifferent status but she came and make everything worse, she was there just for two days when he decided he don't want to let her leave. Finding his new feelings dangerous, he left to make his mind all over again and come back yesterday without any progress for her to come and give him a heart attack like this. He was lost in his thought when she talked:

Dijun I was thinking about the way you can teach me for the past year, you told me to take you as the living history so can you share your memories with me?

Dijun: what kind of memories?

Feng Jiu: everything, I want to see the world of your young age.

Dijun think about that for a while, it was a good idea, he could show her the images what can be useful for her, entertaining this little fox wasn't an easy task: okay little fox, let try that.

Feng Jiu smiled happily: Dijun I have another suggestion.

Dijun: first sharing my bed, next my memories, what do you have in mind this time little fox?

Feng Jiu: your lands.

He rose his eyebrow while she continued: heaven is so huge, let travel around it together. Every year I'm here for 10 days, we can choose one place and look around it every time.

Dijun never was the kind to travel around, he basically just stayed in his palace and only goes where his present was needed even when he was the heavenly lord, but finding others ways to keep her busy was more difficult to just go and see around with her, so he accepted.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now