Third honeymoon

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"They are taking their time for sure"

It was the tenth time that Zhe Yan told this during the past month. Since Feng Jiu and Dong Hua left Taichen palace he trusted with the task of answering where Mo Yuan is by fox queen, his discipline knew their shifu and two of their brothers left for Taichen palace and didn't come back so they came after him, but found the palace lock down and it's master and mistress out of reach as third prince announced at court, so after some negotiation the Kunlun mountain's students decide to go to high god Zhe Yan, the closest friend of their shifu and thankfully he knew where their master is, "Mo Yuan missed Dijun, he didn't tell why he was after him but when didn't find him came here and asked me to go to seclusion in Ching Chu's caves.'' His answer sent the worried students away but not for long, their shifu never stayed in seclusion more than 10 days unless inform them and arrange Kunlun matters first.

"Next time I just tell them that their master is locked down in Taichen palace while Dong Hua Dijun left heaven to spend his third honeymoon with his wife" Zhe Yan angrily told Bai Zhen.

He wished he was able to do that, but he was doted to Feng Jiu and the little girl went through so much to be with her husband, it's just he didn't like that husband of hers.

Two more months went by when finally Feng Jiu sent a note to inform them of their return. Now was the time of testing fox queen theory.


He didn't let her out of their room for hole night and day after, he told now that he is free to love her as much as he wants she can't escape from him, so better to enjoy their peaceful time before returning to heaven the place she have more guys under spell. He even told he will make her forget about them, no matter how many times she told she not thinking about other guys, he insist to make sure of it himself. Finally when she said she is starving he let her leave the room.

"when we return?" Feng Jiu asked, trying to avoid his gaze, he was different, much different. she had to confess, she liked his new state, and of course she understood his feelings, she didn't want to leave his side for a second either, finally there was no rock between them!

"You are in a hurry little fox?" he asked instead of answering, one of his eyebrows up, staring coldly.

"we left without dealing with them" she answered hardly under his cold gaze.

"I was planning on a month but you show so much concern for heavenly father's son, so I just decided to make it two months"

Feng Jiu stared at him, leaving them inside their palace for two mounts wasn't suitable, but she will deal with that later: I have a question?

Dijun: do ask.

Feng Jiu: I thought you are equal in strength; why do you defeat him that easily?

Dijun looked offended, Feng Jiu really was showing more than enough interest in Mo yuan, he didn't like it.

She decided to not react to his offended look, she thought how much more she try to calm the atmosphere she makes it worse, better to not provoke him anymore, but she kept her eyes on his trying her best innocent look she had.

"we are not equal in strength little fox" he answered finally with a long sigh, "it's true he is the son of heavenly father but I'm older and after I retired I had a lot of free time, yet he injured badly last time, he not health completely yet"

Feng Jiu felt bad for making them fight, she forgot Mo yuan's injuries, she felt deep in his depth, first charming him then making Dong Hua to fight with him and now immuring him inside Taichen palace. Dijun saw her sadness and announced he increased their time to three months.

protector of love; a Dong Hua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now